--Originally published at Identidad digital

Rosa’s visitor and resident chart

What’s up my peeps,

So we are on our third day of the “Digital Identity” course. Today we are exploring the visitor/resident concept. Before this course I did not know anything about that matter.  “Visitors” are people that visit a website and do not leave any trace of their presence there, on the other hand, “Residents” are the ones that leave a trace.

The platforms that I consider myself a resident of are: Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and Hotmail because I am constantly using them and interacting with machines and people through them all the time. Speaking about identity on those sites I think I am pretty constant about my “personality” in all of them I am always the same person but I share different quantities of my personality in each.

Another aspect about being resident or visitor is the personal and professional approach.  In my experience I try to be as “professional” as possible in all platforms because you never know who is going to see that information. I have heard about cases where school teachers posted pictures of them having alcoholic drinks and losing their jobs because of that. Hence I try to be cautious with all my actions and posts, which I think it should not be like that but society is very hypocrite in that sense: people say that you should be free, and do whatever you want with your life but there is always people judging you, I mean, sometimes giving your opinion is seen as a bad thing, anyways that’s a whole other topic.

As a conclusion each person has a different background that may affect whether they are visitors or residents in different websites and places. There are no rules nor correct answers.