Reflection on Day 2

--Originally published at Untitled.


(Credit goes to jcpolur)


    When talking about digital presence, you do not have to live by expectations and roles like in real life. You also can have digital presence no matter where you are physically. And not everything you post online has to be deeply meaningful because at the end, it is about who you are, expressing yourself and what you feel comfortable with sharing via text, pictures, videos or any way you want. Nonetheless, it is truly important to respect other’s people boundaries and privacy. 

Digital presence gives you the opportunity to find people with the same interests and find a community that supports you. However, popularity is not that important for your digital presence, so do not get discourage if not many people read what you have to say. And it is not that you have different personalities in each social media, but it is that you use them for different things just as it happens in real life where you act differently in each situation.

Always blog for yourself and say what you need to say without hurting someone else or yourself.