Reflection on Day 5

--Originally published at Untitled.

r(Credit goes to jcpolur)


When expressing yourself online, you need to be careful with trolls and cyber bullying. One way to combat them is to ignore them and do not feed them because if you ignore them, they eventually get tired and live you alone. 

Also, although blogging and writing in public spaces can help us out as therapy or just to free ourselves from things that we keep inside, we need to have boundaries online.  We need to know the difference between personal and private presence. You do not want to have private information in public. What we need to do is to share our personal nature without sharing private information that can put us in danger and if you want to blog about something that involves someone else, try to ask for permission.

Don’t make private information public.

-Day 5- Final Semana i course

--Originally published at JP Blog

This is the last day of ITec Identity course. We received Professor Diego, who taught us how to make the best video edition. We use the pictures which were taken in the Photo Safari but we also used some others pictures.

In my case, I talked about the things I like to do, things that make me feel alive and happy.

I really hope you can enjoy the video. #JPBlog

Day 5

--Originally published at Untitled.



This day started exactly like the others, with Ken giving us a introduction and an open discussion.

Afterwards, we had a guest speaker: Diego Zavala

This time it was different because it wasn’t an online hangout, but Diego was physically present.

During this time, he showed us some examples of cool videos and then we followed to make our own video with the material of the Video Safari. I had to use an online video editor (Stupeflix) because I do not have one downloaded.

Here’s my video:

10:30 – Break time

After the break, we had our final guest speakers:  Rebecca Hogue & Helen DeWaard

Here’s the link:

And well, that was Day 5 and the last day of this week-long course.

Thank you very much.