Thank You

--Originally published at Digital Identity

There’s not much more to say about this workshop. Thank you Ken for all the effort you put into this, for making me interested in something I used to think was useless. I take something for the rest of my life from each of the people we spoke to. Maha, Ken, Diego, Laura, Lee, Dave, Alan, Amy, Autumn, Bonnie, Sundi, Rebecca and Helen, I have nothing else to say that thank you so much for giving me tools that I’m sure I will use the rest of my life.

Unfortunately, I don’t see myself blogging in the near future. I’m convinced it has a lot of benefits to spread your thoughts, your ideas and your feelings to an audience you may not even know, but right now I just don’t think I have enough time. Besides, I prefer other types of media to express how I feel, like pics, GIFs and videos, and my Tumblr blog did, does, and will always suit me for that purpose. But who knows? Maybe a year from now I will be a superstar blogger.

I didn’t make any friends. But that’s cool. I found out more about myself, and God knows I’ve been trying to make progress in my self-knowledge and self-acceptance.

I will close this chapter of my life with my video. I’m sorry for the nasty watermark, I just spent so much time in it that I couldn’t spend more hours of my life trying to find another tool. I’m very satisfied with the result, so here it is:

’till the next time.

Conclusiones y new perspectives

--Originally published at Digital Identity

Idiomas: Español, English

Consideraría éste último día como dos partes:

  1. Introducción a la creación y edición de videos con Diego Zavala
  2. Conversación con Helen DeWaard y Rebecca Hogue.

La primera parte tenía como objetivo final que lográramos hacer un video de manera individual o en grupo, en mi caso trabajé con mi hermana en un video corto sobre la depresión desde nuestras experiencias, espero poder poner el link pronto, ya que el tiempo destinado a las clase, al intentar empezar de cero, nos tomó más tiempo del esperado. Diego nos mostró un video, de una de las plataformas que recomendó como recurso, que me pareció una excelente idea, muy creativa y que logró resonar conmigo particularmente por el tema y contexto del mundo y Estados Unidos.

Since I’ve posted two days in Spanish and two in English I thought it was adequate to write the last post in both languages.

The conversation we held with our guests consisted on what we share and why we share it. They had interesting perspectives on cyber bullying and complemented the ideas previous guests had stated. Fortunately for me they kept inspiring and pushing us to keep writing.

Before this course I had started a blog, hoping to be read but at the same time hoping not to. I’ve always been private and I tend not to share my feelings and thoughts on certain topics, so I was having a tough time fighting against myself and again, since I wouldn’t tell anyone about my blog there was no one encouraging me to continue blogging, and finally as a happy coincidence I ended up in this course.

I’m deeply thankful to all the guests and the teacher for helping me overcome certain fears I had before the course and even some insecurities, although I’m still hoping no one I know in real life reads my personal blog. Thank you for your time, insights and encouraging words. Sorry for not participating as much as you deserved, would hope or I wanted to, I’m shy.

I’ll keep blogging somewhere else.