Software Architecture



Software Architecture is the way software solutions are structured for all the project itself. Software architecture takes into account all of the aspects. It takes into account performance, security, quality and plenty of other stuff including the requirements asked by the client. Just as in a house or a building, software must have solid foundation. Not taking into account all of the requirements can lead to expensive delays. Delays might be the best-case scenario, because sooner or later, it’s going to be fixed, but if engineers just ignore the  requirements, this can lead to unhappy customers that have poor, lame, and unstable software. Also, your job might be in a risk.

When designing the blueprints of the software you must take into consideration three things, the final user, the company goals, and the platform itself. ic350999And most important, they all have the same weight while taking decisions. There are no biased decisions in this topic. They all weigh the same because each one impacts the others in a certain way. For example, if the system is more complex, we might need the final user interface to be even more friendly due to the business requirements.

When designing the structure, the developers might want to take a look to the following questions.

  • How will the users be using the application
  • How will the application be deployed into production and managed?
  • What are the quality attribute requirements for the application, such as security, performance, concurrency, internationalization, and configuration?
  • How can the application be designed to be flexible and maintainable over time?
  • What are the architectural trends that might impact your application now or after it has been deployed?

When the project team has all of these answered, now, it’s time to begin. Once we all know all of the project

workplan, and blueprints, we can now adhere to a development process such as extreme programming, agile, waterfall…etc

Good software architects must take into account all of the different aspects that we’ve been talking about and besides that, he/she must try to comply with all the requirements imposed. Not only the client’s requirements, but also the company and team’s.
