Waterfall method

Waterfall methodology is one of the first Software Development Processes, it was firsts used in hardware but now it has moved to software.

The steps of this methodology are followed in order one after another after checking that the previous steps are completed. The steps are:
  1. System and software requirements: captured in a product requirements document.
  2. Analysis: resulting in models, schema, and business rules.
  3. Design: resulting in the software architecture.
  4. Coding: the development, proving, and integration of software
  5. Testing: It consists on debugging.
  6. Operations: the maintenance
Imagine a waterfall with different levels, here is an ilustration:

Now imagine that each level is a step and the development course is the water. It can only flow in one direction, passing through each level until it reaches the end that is the maintenance.

I think that watefall methodolgy is one of the simplest one because it follows the normal software lifecycle. You think about the desgin, implement it, test it and then do the maintenace. The good part of the waterfall methodogy is that it takes it time to do well on each steps. Contrary to other methodogies that focus only on the developing, waterfall methodology cares about what is done before the coding because thats the plan and documentation you are going to follow. 

Now enjoy the music:
