Why use Design Patterns

Design patterns are a great solution to common problems during software design . These patterns aren’t a finished design that can be directly transformed into code but a sort of template one can use to solve a problem that can be applied and customized to specific situations.

Design Patterns help speed up the development process because they provide tested development paradigms, they provide solutions for issues that are not always visible at the beginning of the development process, sometimes these issues are only visible when the projects are implemented, this makes patterns a great way to avoid certain risks during and after the Software Development Life Cycle.

Patterns are based on iteration, so code can be reused to improve readability and understandability of the program in general, to avoid problems by providing general solutions that are documented.

There are three main design pattern types:

-Creational Design Patterns
These are mostly about instantiation and the creation of classes and objects by using inheritance and delegation effectively & efficiently.

Here are some examples:
• Abstract Factory
• Builder
• Factory Method
• Object Pool
• Prototype
• Singleton

-Structural Design Patterns
These patterns are about pattern composition and structure so functional interfaces can be composed.

Here are some examples:
• Adapter
• Bridge
• Composite
• Decorator
• Façade
• Flyweight
• Private Class Data
• Proxy

-Behavioral Design Patterns
These are patterns centered on object communication between objects.
• Chain of Responsibility
• Command
• Interpreter
• Iterator
• Mediator
• Memento
• Null Object
• Observer
• State
• Strategy
• Template Method
• Visitor


Design Patterns