TC1019: Course review

Hello m8s, this is probably my last post of the semester. Hope you enjoyed all my posts.
The Fundamentals of Software Engineering course (TC1019) with Ken Bauer was great because of his flipped classroom method. Without it this course would probably be just another memorized, undigested, boring theory course. Thanks to the flipped classroom method I had to read, investigate and learn by myself forcing me to actually learn something, be responsible and get my own conclusions of the theory. Otherwise I  would just have to learn by memory a dozen of sentences to write them in a piece of paper. I hate studying, memorizing words or formulas sucks, what I loved about this course is that I didn´t need to study for my exams (giving a quick read to your post before a exam still helps to refresh old memories ;) ), I knew every topic because at some point I had to read, investigate and write a post about it.

Of course, this class wouldn´t be a success without Ken Bauer, he is actually what makes this class great. He really wants us to get involved in the class and to share our experiences with others. Eventhough I didn´t participate that much on twitter, I made my sharing on the blogs. I think that is very important to have in mind that this is not a competition, if I or somebody else discovered something new or interesting we could share it to the whole class thanks to the tools Ken introduced to us (Twitter, Slacks, Blogs etc.) After all we are all here to learn. Also, he shares his experiences with us, and that is for me the most valuable things of the class. Private interviews with software developers celebrities, extra "off-topic" relevant content and a lot Continue reading "TC1019: Course review"

TC1019: Course review

Hello m8s, this is probably my last post of the semester. Hope you enjoyed all my posts.
The Fundamentals of Software Engineering course (TC1019) with Ken Bauer was great because of his flipped classroom method. Without it this course would probably be just another memorized, undigested, boring theory course. Thanks to the flipped classroom method I had to read, investigate and learn by myself forcing me to actually learn something, be responsible and get my own conclusions of the theory. Otherwise I  would just have to learn by memory a dozen of sentences to write them in a piece of paper. I hate studying, memorizing words or formulas sucks, what I loved about this course is that I didn´t need to study for my exams (giving a quick read to your post before a exam still helps to refresh old memories ;) ), I knew every topic because at some point I had to read, investigate and write a post about it.

Of course, this class wouldn´t be a success without Ken Bauer, he is actually what makes this class great. He really wants us to get involved in the class and to share our experiences with others. Eventhough I didn´t participate that much on twitter, I made my sharing on the blogs. I think that is very important to have in mind that this is not a competition, if I or somebody else discovered something new or interesting we could share it to the whole class thanks to the tools Ken introduced to us (Twitter, Slacks, Blogs etc.) After all we are all here to learn. Also, he shares his experiences with us, and that is for me the most valuable things of the class. Private interviews with software developers celebrities, extra "off-topic" relevant content and a lot Continue reading "TC1019: Course review"