Osprey Building a Nest
CC licensed photo by Rodney Campbell on Flickr

This post is about mastery number 18. The use of nested conditionals. I explained a simple example in the next video but I would also like to share other resources such as tutorialspoint.com’s exlanation of nested conditionals.


My video:

Take a look to it.


Another video I watched is about if/else interaction and nesting those loops.

I think the most important conditional that allows nesting is the if. You can read a nested bunch of if’s as: If this is true, the perform this if this is true, perform the next if this is true and so on… You could use opertaros such as && and || (and or) to simplify some nested conditionals and make your code easier.

CC BY 4.0 Mastery 18 by Octavio Rojas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.