Hi everyone here is my “Temperature” practice finished. Here are some tips that I figured out from the errors I had during the process:

  • I used double to declare my variables, which lets the program to display decimals. 


  • Then, for the conditional, I used an if statement. 


  • Make sure you use spacing and braces correctly because most of the time the compiler doesn´t run the program with these little errors. 


  • If you use a text editor like atom, it usually shows each word you type depending on its function, that´s when you can first realize if you are typing something wrong.


  • When using an if statement, you have to add the TRUE statement following the If in between braces. If you want a FALSE response, add it after with an else and the command in between braces too.

 Check out this page that gives instructions for the If statements, it really helped me out!  


CC BY 4.0 #WSQ05 – Temperature by Ricardo Newton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.