
(The credit of the image goes to

This should be the last one. However, not for me. I haven’t done the WSQ16.

I’m loving this last WSQ because they’re easy, so that makes me happy.

This one consist on trying Scilab!

For this one, first I had to download Scilab from this page:

After I used it a little bit, I decided that I like it and that it’s very useful. It has a lot of tools!!!

It was very cool that the program runs in the same place where I edit.

I actually don’t fully understand it yet, but one day I will. Ken said in class that we might use it in the future, so I’m glad he made us do this WSQ.



CC BY 4.0 WSQ17 – Scilab by Ana Gloria Angulo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.