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cesarisc’s Articles at TC101 Fall 2015
Introduction to Programming Python and C++

Author Archives: cesarisc

Input (user input) / Validate Input

Sometimes we need the feedback from the user and this is how we made by input(), if you don’t know how this is done please check the video below 😀 and learn how to validate what the users typed!!! Here’s the video:

Create Modules / Using Modules

Modules are a very strong and powerful thing inside Python3 if you don’t know how to make one or even how to using here’s a video of how you can do it:D Here’s the video

Lists and Tuples Python 3

If you don’t know how to make a tuple or a list I recommend you to see my video to learn how to Here’s my video 😀

While / for i in… Python3

Learn how to create while and for i in and also see somes examples 😀 For i, are very use for things like fill things, create list, something that follows a pattern, also create loops While are for things that change over the time like a user input, also it helps to validate things and…
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Dictionaries Python 3

Here is my video about dictionaries, learn how to create it Dictionaries are very useful and powerful because it’s like link one thing to another, a person to a name, a name to a age, a age to a gender. Dictionaries are mutable so you can add and erase things from it 😀 If you…
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Use of ‘elif’ and ‘else’ Python3

Mastery about how to use elif and else! watch it!

Create and call functions Python3

Hi this video will show you how to create and call functions inside Python3:
Hope enjoy! 🙂

How to install Ubuntu in Virtual Machine

Hi everyone I’m going to let here my video about how to install Ubuntu in Virtual Machine. Some important links: Oracle Virtual Machine – https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Ubuntu ISO Downlaod – http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop Here’s the video:

Basic Types and their use in Python3

Hi in Python 3 we have 6 Basic Types for categorize things, let me show you: In Python 3 we have: INTEGERS We can say an ‘integer’ is an integer, some examples of this could be: 1, 23, 3909, -23, 4, -189 Unlike other programming languages python use Integers not matter how high or small…
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QUIZ #11

Here´s my Quiz 11, I have a little doubts in the first one but I can finally understand what it means 😀 Here’s my code: https://github.com/cesarau04/WSQ/blob/master/Quiz%2311-problem1.py https://github.com/cesarau04/WSQ/blob/master/Quiz%2311-problem2.py  

What should you work on?

Week #12 and more partial exams for you.

For this week's readings:
C++ (TC1017) should either be looking at support for your project, ImageMagick C++ libraries are a good start.
Python (TC1014) should be finishing chapter 11 (Dictionaries).