Monthly Archives: February 2015

WSQ09. Factorial Calculator

For this WSQ I had to do a factorial calcultaron without importing predifined functions that python already have. For that, I had to define a function for the factorial calculation and a For loop to calculate the result.

Before enter the function in the actual program I did a while loop for the user to do as many calculations as he wants.

The complicated about this was to implement a way to avaoid the user to enter a float number, for this, i used the try and except statements which are explained better here:

Here is the link to my program submitted to GitHub:


click here for code

in this program we are doing the factorial multiplication of a number:

I crated a fuction to do so, using a counter and an accumulator within a loop. the program also uses many while and if statements, so the program ca repeat itself until the user wants to stop.



click here for code

in this program we are doing the factorial multiplication of a number:

I crated a fuction to do so, using a counter and an accumulator within a loop. the program also uses many while and if statements, so the program ca repeat itself until the user wants to stop.


Factorial Calculator #WSQ09 #TC1014

Este programa funciona como si hicieras math.factorial(), ya que con esta función multiplicas el número dado por el usuario bajando uno a uno multiplicándolos hasta llegar al número 1, Ejemplo: 5*4*3*2*1= 120 así funciona este programa.

Factorial Calculator #WSQ09 #TC1014

Factorial Calculator #WSQ09 #TC1014

Factorial Calculator #WSQ09

Here’s a Factorial Calculator I made on Python, with some help from our Teacher:

Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116


Here it is my 😀 it’s really easy 

here it is:



In this code, I created two variables called n and i. Then, i asked the user to enter an integer value for n, and asigned that value for “i”. After that, i created another variable called “fact” which then would be multiplied by “i” in relation to the “for loop” =((i=n ; i>=1 ; i–), in order to create the factorial. 

# include <iostream>

using namespace std;


int main () {


int i, n;

int fact=1;

cout<<“Enter the Value of n “<<endl;


for(i=n ; i>=1 ; i–)

fact = fact*i;

cout<<“Factorial = “<<fact;


return 0;


Mastery 04


Hello, I have done my in , wich is bucle “for”


I am going to explain a little what I did:

A cicle For is compost by three elements: initialization, condition and increment/decrement  and after this you will construct the body of the bucle.

 int a;

for(num1=0; num1<10; num1++) {

cout <<“Hello”>> endl;



my program is here:

Creation and use of strings.

Hello! this is my

You can create a variable with type string in the usual ways:

string first;
first = "Hello, ";
string second = "world.";

The first line creates an string without giving it a value. The second line assigns it the string value “Hello.” The third line is a combined declaration and assignment, also called an initialization. Normally when string values like “Hello, ” or “world.” appear, they are treated as C strings. In this case, when we assign them to an string variable, they are converted automatically to string values. We can output strings in the usual way:
cout << first << second << endl;