Creating your own and using C++ libraries #TC1017 #Mastery14

Creating your own and using C++ libraries 1017 14

There are many easy ways I found this 

  1. Create your file  with the name that you want like this “myfirstlibrary.cpp” and “a.h”. Then compile the library without a main program
  2. It will create a file called “a.o”.
  3. Then can your library with  
  4. Compile the program and add the library “a.o”.  

I found also this link for you guys 🙂

Creating your own and using C++ libraries



CC BY 4.0 Creating your own and using C++ libraries #TC1017 #Mastery14 by Alejandra Jacobo Gómez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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