#WSQ03 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove

1 min read

This WSQ is not that simple you have to do code now. If you search for the fundamentals of how to do code on python you will be fine.

First you have to define your variables in my case is x and y. You will do it with this format:

x = int(input(“enter an integer”))

also with the other variable then you should do this:

sum = x+y

You should do this with this signs +, -, *, / and %.

The next step is define your sentence like this:

sentence1 = “{}+{}={}.”.format(x,y,sum)

And the last step it is to print the sentences, like this:

print (sentence1)

To run it you just have to go to your shell and its done.

Here is an image of my program.

CC BY 4.0 #WSQ03 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove by Omar Chavez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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