Author Archives: tywins

Quiz 11

Quiz 11

Quiz 11

Github code link.

Quiz 11

Quiz 11

WSQ16 – Cars

WSQ16 – Cars

Github code link.

WSQ16 – Cars


hhhsdhdjfdhjf here’s quiz 10





Just did the ECOS thing, literally took me like less than 2 minutes so get off your ass and go do it. Or not. 🙇🏻


Finishing the course

My plan to finish this course is to keep up with the WSQs, I think we only have to do 3 more of those. As for masteries, I have 3 left to do (installing linux, python modules and reading/writing files in python), we also have like 4 more quizzes to do. This next week I’m gonna try to finish the masteries to get that weight off, and do every WSQ as soon as they get posted.

I will probably be trying to post some videos too on masteries so I earn some extra points, as well as the final video that was requested, I’ll try to cover that over the weekend.

Finishing the course

Finishing the course

WSQ 14 – Estimating E

WSQ 14 – Estimating E

Github code link.

WSQ 14 – Estimating E

Quiz 9

Here are the solutions for partial 2:

Quiz 9



Github code link




Github code link


Creation and use of dictionaries in Python

A dictionary is another type of container in Python, like lists and tuples, but this one has elements in pairs, these are called items, each key is separated from it’s value by a colon, each item is separated by commas and the dictionary is enclosed with {}.

To update a specific item in the dictionary, you type the name of the dictionary, after that the name of the item inside brackets and (”), then equaling this to the value you want to update it to.

The same goes for adding another item to the list, follows the same process and syntaxes.

Finally, to print the dictionary you just put it after the print function with parenthesis. In case you want to print only a specific item you need to type the name of the dictionary then the item you want to print, of course in this form [‘item’], and the whole thing goes between parenthesis as well.

Here’s an example:

Creation and use of dictionaries in Python

Creation and use of dictionaries in Python