Tag Archives: #mastery09

Basic types and their use in C++

First let my show you a screenshot of the basic types in C++, you are going to be using these a lot while programming, there are many others, but these are the basic.

I found this webpage very useful to learn about all the basic types and how you can use them, check it out.



9.Basic types and their use in Python

These are the few basic types in Python.

Integer: It refers to all integer numbers, negative and positve, than can be used in python, in order to create mathematical equations in your program.

Float: This time it refers to decimal numbers, like 1.5, numbers that don’t fit into the integer category.

String: It can be any sort of character, but it is preferred to be just letters, it be written inside of quotes. “Like this”.

List: A list is a serie of data that can be change anytime, like x = [1, two, 3]

Tuple: A tuple however, is pretty much a list that you can’t change, it is expresed like x = (1, two, 3)

Dictionary: As a real life dictionary, this is an array of data, that explains the significance of a “key” word. For example {Sun : The nearest star to earth and its main source of light  }

tipo de datos en python #mastery09 #TC1014

tipo de datos en python #mastery09 #TC1014

#Mastery09 Basic types.

there are 3 basic tipes in python:


your basic numbers used for math, algebra, and to calculate various values.

The most basic are intergers and floating point numbers.

intergers, used with the function int( ). are numbers with no desimal poin.
and floating point float( ). support decimal point.

and ther is also:


witch is srtings. “Textual data in Python is handled with str objects, or strings. Strings are immutable sequences of Unicode code points. String literals are written in a variety of ways:”(python.org)

and finally:


witch is lists, tuples, and ranges. witch are agroup of balues, (it could be a mixture of values for lists and touples). In a group or package used as a single object, with many values inside.

#Mastery09 Basic types.

there are 3 basic tipes in python:


your basic numbers used for math, algebra, and to calculate various values.

The most basic are intergers and floating point numbers.

intergers, used with the function int( ). are numbers with no desimal poin.
and floating point float( ). support decimal point.

and ther is also:


witch is srtings. “Textual data in Python is handled with str objects, or strings. Strings are immutable sequences of Unicode code points. String literals are written in a variety of ways:”(python.org)

and finally:


witch is lists, tuples, and ranges. witch are agroup of balues, (it could be a mixture of values for lists and touples). In a group or package used as a single object, with many values inside.

#Mastery09 Basic types.

there are 3 basic tipes in python:


your basic numbers used for math, algebra, and to calculate various values.

The most basic are intergers and floating point numbers.

intergers, used with the function int( ). are numbers with no desimal poin.
and floating point float( ). support decimal point.

and ther is also:


witch is srtings. “Textual data in Python is handled with str objects, or strings. Strings are immutable sequences of Unicode code points. String literals are written in a variety of ways:”(python.org)

and finally:


witch is lists, tuples, and ranges. witch are agroup of balues, (it could be a mixture of values for lists and touples). In a group or package used as a single object, with many values inside.

Learn To Program 2015-04-07 22:57:00


En Python existen datos de tipo:

  • int (para almacenar números enteros)
  • float (para almacenar números decimales)
  • string (para almacenar secuencias de caracteres)
  • bool (para almacenar datos de tipo booleano como True o False)
  • complex (para almacenar numeros complejos)

Mis referencias:
http://entrenamiento-python-basico.readthedocs.org/es/latest/leccion3/  (Esta pagina la recomiendo más)

Mi video:
Programa hecho en Python:

Learn To Program 2015-04-07 22:57:00


En Python existen datos de tipo:

  • int (para almacenar números enteros)
  • float (para almacenar números decimales)
  • string (para almacenar secuencias de caracteres)
  • bool (para almacenar datos de tipo booleano como True o False)
  • complex (para almacenar numeros complejos)

Mis referencias:
http://entrenamiento-python-basico.readthedocs.org/es/latest/leccion3/  (Esta pagina la recomiendo más)

Mi video:
Programa hecho en Python:

Learn To Program 2015-04-07 22:57:00


En Python existen datos de tipo:

  • int (para almacenar números enteros)
  • float (para almacenar números decimales)
  • string (para almacenar secuencias de caracteres)
  • bool (para almacenar datos de tipo booleano como True o False)
  • complex (para almacenar numeros complejos)

Mis referencias:
http://entrenamiento-python-basico.readthedocs.org/es/latest/leccion3/  (Esta pagina la recomiendo más)

Mi video:
Programa hecho en Python:

Mastery 09

In order to receive points for this mastery, you must descibe basic types and their uses.

In C++ there are not many basic types. These basic types incude:

     void, int, float, double, char, string, and, bool

and other more specific variations of the 7 listed.

– The ‘void’ type is used for fucntions and it makes the fucntion not have a number value. As seen on the test for Partial 2 the triangle function must be a void function because i does not hold any numerical values

– An ‘int’ type creates an integer number, meaning the ‘int’ type does not hold any decimals

– A ‘float’ type is another type which holds a number but different than the ‘int’ it is able to hold decimal values

– A ‘double’ type is very similar to the ‘float’ type except it is able to hold more decimals making the caluclations more accurate

– A ‘char’ type is a type which hold letters and variables but no number values

– A ‘string’ type is a type which can hold, numbers, letters, and variables which can be reacalled individually

– A ‘bool’ type is a type which is commonly used to evaluate a function only if the statement given is true

Most of these basic types are able to have other modifications. For example the ‘char’ type only holds only letter or variable but there are other ‘char’ types which are able to hold more values.

I hope this breif summary has given you a better grasp on the meanings and uses of the basic C++ types