Tag Archives: #WSQ03

Fun with numbers

Late, but here it is! Easy fun with numbers… maybe that’s why it’s fun xD Not really hard to do… just ask the user for the two numbers you gotta use and write the result in cout <<.

WSQ03 Done!

Here is a link to my video tutorial of WSQ03!

Check it out! hope it helps!




Here is my post for for class . In this assignment I got help from my friends Luis Ángel and Fernando whom are great at this course. My code is at https://github.com/JuanPabloGonzalezHuezzo/WSQ3/commit/303b741d36f90da52bde27ebdc08de3b3d5c12ed feel free to use it if it helps in any way. 🙂

#WSQ03 fun whit numbers

hola, lo que ise due simplemente pedir dos numeros con intput, y despues hacr cada una de las operaciones que se nos pidio.
enlace a github: https://github.com/juanheuforico/mastery/blob/master/fun.py

n1=int(input(“give me a number”))
n2=int(input(“give me other number”))
rem=int(n1%n2)#esto es el residuo de una divición
print(“the sum of your numbers is “, sum)
print(“the difference of your numbers is “, res)
print(“the product of your numbers is “, prod)
print(“the division of your numbers is “, div)
print(“the remainder of your numbers is “, rem)
#hola, esto es un comentario, todo lo que aparesca despues del gato,
#no sera tomado en cuenta por el programa

#WSQ03 fun whit numbers

hola, lo que ise due simplemente pedir dos numeros con intput, y despues hacr cada una de las operaciones que se nos pidio.
enlace a github: https://github.com/juanheuforico/mastery/blob/master/fun.py

n1=int(input(“give me a number”))
n2=int(input(“give me other number”))
rem=int(n1%n2)#esto es el residuo de una divición
print(“the sum of your numbers is “, sum)
print(“the difference of your numbers is “, res)
print(“the product of your numbers is “, prod)
print(“the division of your numbers is “, div)
print(“the remainder of your numbers is “, rem)
#hola, esto es un comentario, todo lo que aparesca despues del gato,
#no sera tomado en cuenta por el programa

Fun with numbers!!


#WSQ03 #TC1014

Fun with numbers!!

Fun With Numbers

There is my program

Fun with numbers #WSQ03 #TC1014

Here are my link of fun with numbers


Fun with numbers #WSQ03 #TC1014



I made this just to have fun with numbers, + , – , * , / , %
Diego Plascencia Sanabria.


using namespace std;

int x=5;

int y=3;

int s, r, p,d,otro;

int main (void){


s= x+y;

cout<<“la suma de los valores es =  “<< s << endl;

r= x-y;

cout<<“la resta de los valores es =  “<< r << endl;

p= x*y;

cout<<“el producto de los valores es =  “<< p << endl;

d= x/y;

cout<<“la division de los valores es =  “<< d << endl;

otro= x%y;

cout<<“el % de los valores es =  “<< otro << endl;

