Quiz 2

In this quiz, to make the program run, you needed to create also a function.

Like in the first problem. Captura de pantalla 2016-02-16 a las 8.42.12You needed to create the function superpower and to declare the integers a and b in it.
The program should make the result of the first number powered to the second. But all in one function. Also inside the function you need to declare everything you will use, only in the int main, you will type int a, b. Because until then the program ask you for them.

And for the second program:

Captura de pantalla 2016-02-16 a las 8.42.21Kind of the same, but you need to print with * (stars), the number that you provide to the program. So the program print * in the same line, with this loop, until the int n, equals the int a, that it would be the number you’ve written.

Also you don’t need to use “int” with the function, you can use “void” because in this cae you don’t need to return anything.


As always, my link to my GitHub:
as Quiz2- a & Quiz2-b

CC BY-SA 4.0 Quiz 2 by antonioangelm is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.