Sum of numbers WSQ07

Hello my friends, today we are going to do a task that is very similar to the last ones, but a little more difficult, we are going to write a program that ask the user for a range of integer numbers and then prints the sum of the numbers in that range (inclusive).

We can use a formula but thats not the way that we are going to do it, first we have to decelerate variants, and the use “while” and “if”. Here are some grateful videos for your enjoyment.


And as always, the link for my code in GitHub and some evidence

Captura de pantalla 2016-02-12 a las 8.42.59 p.m..png



CC BY-SA 4.0 Sum of numbers WSQ07 by miguelsantu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.