Test the knowledge 😁

So this is quiz#2 in which we had to:

 ►Create a program with the following function.
 Write a function called superpower ♛ that has receives two parameters (ints) and returns an integer which is first parameter raised to the power of the second, which is to say it returns a^b.  There are many ways to do this, but the intent is for you to use a loop or recursion.

►Create a program with the following function.
Write a function called stars 🌟 that has one parameter of type integer and PRINTS that many stars on a single line, so if we call the function with stars(5), the function will print like this: *****

Here is the link to the quiz #2 ☛ https://github.com/mfcanov/Quiz-2.git

CC BY-SA 4.0 Test the knowledge 😁 by fernandacano is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.