♣ Future proyect ♣


I have been thinking about what to make as a final proyect for this subject, Im still not sure but I have some ideas.

The first one is a Pac-man game.
At first I wanted to like a mini plataform with like 3 to 5 games. But when I search how to make each of them I noticed it was not that easy and than each game requires many programs. So I choose only one: Pac-man. I think it is an interesting game, I like it and I would really like to make my own game.

The second one is the program for making a robot arm that writes. 
For another of my subjects (Dibujo computarizado) Im making a robot arm that would write so if its possible I would like to make it work.

For this proyect we will be in pairs and I would be with Edith, you can find her blog on one of my older posts.

Ideas keep comming and going, I only expect that our proyect works no matter what it is.

CC BY-SA 4.0 ♣ Future proyect ♣ by martikaglez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.