WSQ 11 – Yo Soy 196

Class, HERE IS A DIFFICULT ONE. just kidding


This time we will code about palindromes and lychrel numbers

MY CODE is not finished i have a little mistake but i have not found it.

The code is like this. You need to functions.

1) One is for the numbers to get switched here is the Video I used to learn about this

2) The second function is to evaluate in the range of number the user provides you if there is palindromes, lychrel numbers or no lychrel number


this link is where i understand what was a palindrome and lychrel number. Just take a look if you are as lost as i was

CC BY-SA 4.0 WSQ 11 – Yo Soy 196 by alibarramg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.