#WSQ14 Scilab

Thanks to Julio Carvajal for the spanish manual of SciLab(made it easier to understand) I´ve already read the manual so I more or less understand SciLab and it´s benefits.

I´ve also found some itneresent videos that might help you out to understand it(in case you don´t wanna read the 30 pg manual).

Click on the logo to see the video

I´m working on some exercises to practice with it, if I have them before we finish the course I´ll post it here.

Good luck in all your final exams fellas, I leave you here a nice song you can heard if you don´t have nothing interesting to do:

CC BY-SA 4.0 #WSQ14 Scilab by dariomagana10 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.