Course Review


What do I think about the course, well this is amazing because Ken evaluates you by letting you evaluate yourself; how does this works, well in order to learn you need to search on the internet and ask your classmates around on how to solve problems. Ken told us that he wasn’t going to lecture us like every other class, that he wanted us to learn on ourselves. I wanted to say that this is the best course I have ever taken, because you measure your own intelligence by asking yourself how good have you been doing during, have you been doing all the assignments, and quizes. Also in order to grade ourselves we must create a blog post for each work we work on. My conclusion is that I think this way to teach might not work on everyone but on some of us who don’t like to depend on others, just on ourselves it’s a good way to learn; also it is said that students won’t attend to class if they can’t fail by not going to class, I was there everyclass and most students were always there, also when the class was over, many of us stayed later in order to end the assignments for the day. “IN KEN WE TRUST”


Say NO to lecturing, it’s boring


In case you would like to know more abou this kind of learning, check out this links:

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3





For the proyect Christian and I decided to do a program with lots of programs we had been doing along the semester this includes: the simple calculator, the temperature converter, the lucky game, function calculator,  and the factorial calculator. This is our program in case you might need it CODE.











that’s the program working right there, I must give more credit to my coworker, because he did most of it. Please check out his page

WSQ #12 Word Count

This one was very difficult so I asked my friend Christian for his help, he is going to be a programmer so I thought he could help me figure out what to do; therefore I saw the way he did it in order to do it, I basically do it with him the whole time, because I wasn’t sure how to do it. It was hard :O but I did it finally. Here is the CODE in case you might need it.



Anyways, it was hard, but Christian made it easier, so I thank BatmanTec for coding.

Quiz #7 The dot number

For this quiz we had to do the Dot number of 2 series of numbers, therefore you needed to create 2 arrays where the numbers were inputed, then the numbers are multiplied. The first of each array then the second, and that way until it’s done; finally you add them and that’s the dot number. Mostly used with Vectors.

But first the program will ask you for how many number you would like in each array.

Here it’s how it worksScreenshot18.1

And here is the code in case you might need it.


Quiz #5-1

For this quiz first we had to do a function which will turn a word on one side to the other and tell if it was written right on both sides, i had to do research in order to do this one but anyways here it goes


then you ask for the word, and work with the function


and finally if you want all the code find it here: CODE



Quiz #4

For quiz number 4, here is the problem Ken told us to do.


For more information check out this page

Anyways this quiz was not as difficult as I thought it would be, but anyways here is my code in case you might need it.

For this code you should use (long double) instead of (int) in order to get a greater aproximation, due to the number of integers the computer will show.

Here is how the program should be seen on Cygwin when used:


In case you don’t know what #include <iomanip> here is an explanation, basically it’s called Input Output Manipulation

During my first try I had problems with Quiz4, that’s the reason why I had to do it over again, did it twice before I got the working one.




Well for this WSQ we had to create a list of numbers where the user inputs 10 numbers, and from there you must add them all, get the average, and get the standard deviation. But fiest Mr. Bauer ask us why we uses “namespace std” if we didn’t know what that meant, therefore he showed us that we should use what we know, in this case “include std::cout,cin, endl” so that’s what we did. And he also gave us the first Function we needed for the program.Screenshot13.1

from the first function we had to imagine how the 2nd and 3rd would look like, I wondererd for so long until I went onto my m8 Dario’s blog, and checked if he had done another function for the average, which was the case, but contrary of what I had thought, he used last function in the new function so he didn’t have to add the numbers again. And for the standard deviation we had to do one Function totally different.


Finally the main was easier that all, you just had to put all the variables on the float, add a constant for the Numbers and say that the number to be inputed would be until it became equal to 10 (i=10) so each time a number would be inputed, the counter would go (i++).

The you just have to print the answers, using the functions with the variables (x, numberofNumbers) and end, between each line.Screenshot13.3

Here is my code in case you might need it.