
--Originally published at My Programming Course

Este es mi review para la clase en el curso de TC201. 

Personalmente me parece que el métido de aprendizaje es un tanto único el cual me parece perfecto, a parte siento qe no estaba tan precionado pero a su vez, creo que esto tiene tanto sus pros como sus contras. 

Por la misma razón de que me sentía que tenía tanto tiempo libre, dejé todo hasta el final. Este punto no tiene nada de malo, ya que así decidí hacerlo yo, pero eso no quiere decir que así fue para todos los cursantes.

Siento que al aprender más sobre la teoría me ayudó a analizar mejor los códigos que hice.

Para mi punto de vista, el curso debería seguir tal y como está, ya que aunque asistamos a clases, el aprendizaje es diferente para cada uno de los estudiantes, por lo que si nosotros buscamos información sobre un tema en específico es porque necesitamos saber sobre ello y esto, por ende, hace que nos enfoquemos más en lo que queremos aprender y facilita el entendimiento de las cosas. Como prueba de lo que adabo de escribir. los códigos no me dieron problemas, por lo que el aprendizaje fue un éxito.

College Advide – #WSQ10

--Originally published at My Programming Course

En este WSQ Joel nos da unos avisos, 7 de los cuales son escenciales:

  1. Learn how to write before graduating.
  2. Learn C before graduating.
  3. Learn microeconomics before graduating.
  4. Don’t blow off non-CS classes just because they’re boring.
  5. Take programming-intensive courses.
  6. Stop worrying about all the jobs going to India.
  7. No matter what you do, get a good summer internship.

En los cuales concuerdo en la mayoría. Los dos primeros puntos creo que son escenciales para el transcurso de la carrera, no necesariamente hasta el final. Siempre tenemos que asistir a clases para aprender todo lo que podamos. Que no nos importe o nos detenga salir fuera y que al final podemos darnos el lujo de tener un buen descanso.



--Originally published at My Programming Course

In this WSQ we had to find the Greatest Common Divisor for 2 numbers. It wasn't that hard because we already did it on Python. I used % in my code because it is the easiest way to know if a number is an entere divisor of another. Took the lowest number in a while and started resting 1 and keep doing evaluations between the 3th number and the two that are asked to find.

I imported a library which helps me ask for an Integer. 





My code: https://github.com/YosefatJQ/TC201/blob/master/GCD.java


--Originally published at My Programming Course

In this WSQ we had to find the Greatest Common Divisor for 2 numbers. It wasn't that hard because we already did it on Python. I used % in my code because it is the easiest way to know if a number is an entere divisor of another. Took the lowest number in a while and started resting 1 and keep doing evaluations between the 3th number and the two that are asked to find.

I imported a library which helps me ask for an Integer. 





My code: https://github.com/YosefatJQ/TC201/blob/master/GCD.java

A big… Project. #WSQ05

--Originally published at My Programming Course

For our final project, our team decided do make a program or at least the tests of it to help studets.

We decided to make a program which consist in showing you who is going to study each of your classes and where so you can make an study group.

We had this idea because we were in partials weeks and this would have been a hige help for us if it existed already. 

"Creativity comes from necesity." They say.

Right now we only thought about it, but we are going to use things that we are going to learn in the rest of the semester like interfaces and stuff.

Flipped Learning / #AbolishGrades #WSQ04

--Originally published at My Programming Course

Flipped... Learning? 

It comes from doing "Homework" at school and taking classes in our own house... Ok, what advantages does this have? 

First of all a Flipped Learning teacher can follow every of his student progress individually, which is really nice.

Students can decide when or when not to study, which gives them time to do all the stuff they want to do, we could say that they have more oportunities to organize their own studying time or so.

I learned a lot about Flipped Learning from this video. It's very good explained there so it can make you compare the diferences between the Classic learning method and the Flipped Learning one. 

IMO I think that Flipped learning is much better since it gives me the oportunitie to focus in other things and I can take the programming course in my "Free time" which is really helpful at least for me.

Flipped Learning / #AbolishGrades #WSQ04


A flipped classroom... Literally.

Everything in Java is an object #WSQ03

--Originally published at My Programming Course

In this WSQ I had to watch a video in where it explains how an object oriented lenguage works.


In my opinion or my thoughts, seen everything as an objects will help you saving code, you can save every object in an array and everything will be organized. This programming method opens so many doors and there are many ways you can use it.

The video shows a lot of concepts, I think that the one you have to put a bit of effort to get it is the Ancestors and socesors one, when a code can Inheritate information from another one.

You can learn a lot of things from the video like setting up a constructor and lots of helpful information that we are gonna need in the future as the course goes on.

Everything is an Object!

Everything is an object!

Hand wave to the World! #WSQ02

--Originally published at My Programming Course

In this WSQ we have to make a program already. In this case it was a pretty simple one. Doing this program helps you to get used to the lenguage.

I had to write a HelloWorld program by programming in eclipse.

Hand wave to the World! #WSQ02

First I had to set up my path for java, in order to use the commands in the Command Prompt.

I had to write javac for compiling my HelloWorld.java

and java to run my HelloWorld.class

Here is a good tutorial for writing a HelloWorld program.