Minigames Project

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

For our project we decided to make 2 games, one that will run in the Eclipse console and another one with a graphic user interface. First we decided the two games that we would do, Hangman and Tic Tac Toe. We decided to make Hangman run in the console since Tic Tac Toe would look kind of weird. The Hangman we did can be played by 2 players, in which one chooses the word the other player will try to guess in 6 attempts. The Hangman was pretty easy and we ended up finishing it in 2 days. Then we started doing the Tic Tac Toe, it was overall a kind of extensive process. At first we planned the logic of the game, how to win, etc. We decided that the best option would be to make vectors on the positions that you can put 'X' on 'O' in order to win. Then we thought that it would be better to play vs the computer, since it's really easy to counter the player moves on the game. So basically we did a multiplayer game and a one player one. 

We first tried to make a menu but we didnt know how to link to the minigames so we removed it. This is what it looked like: 

Minigames Project



In the process of doing our project we learned GUI(Graphical User Interface) implementations, we learned to use arrays, how a GUI works and apply them in the project, also we learned how to divide the work and connect it in Github 

Luis Eduardo Vargas Victoria A01630086

Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Itzel cordero Sánchez A01113123

Gilberto Rogel García A01630171

Minigames Project

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

For our project we decided to make 2 games, one that will run in the Eclipse console and another one with a graphic user interface. First we decided the two games that we would do, Hangman and Tic Tac Toe. We decided to make Hangman run in the console since Tic Tac Toe would look kind of weird. The Hangman we did can be played by 2 players, in which one chooses the word the other player will try to guess in 6 attempts. The Hangman was pretty easy and we ended up finishing it in 2 days. Then we started doing the Tic Tac Toe, it was overall a kind of extensive process. At first we planned the logic of the game, how to win, etc. We decided that the best option would be to make vectors on the positions that you can put 'X' on 'O' in order to win. Then we thought that it would be better to play vs the computer, since it's really easy to counter the player moves on the game. So basically we did a multiplayer game and a one player one. 

We first tried to make a menu but we didnt know how to link to the minigames so we removed it. This is what it looked like: 

Minigames Project



In the process of doing our project we learned GUI(Graphical User Interface) implementations, we learned to use arrays, how a GUI works and apply them in the project, also we learned how to divide the work and connect it in Github 

Luis Eduardo Vargas Victoria A01630086

Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Itzel cordero Sánchez A01113123

Gilberto Rogel García A01630171

Metaobject Protocol

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

In computer science, a metaobject is an object that manipulates, creates, describes, or implements other objects (including itself). The object that the metaobject is about is called the base object.

metaobject protocol (MOP) provides the vocabulary to access and manipulate the structure and behavior of objects. Typical functions of a metaobject protocol include:

  • Creating and deleting new classes
  • Creating new methods and properties
  • Changing the class structure so that classes inherit from different classes
  • Generating or modifying the code that defines the methods for the class

Source: Wikipedia.

Metaobject Protocol

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

In computer science, a metaobject is an object that manipulates, creates, describes, or implements other objects (including itself). The object that the metaobject is about is called the base object.

metaobject protocol (MOP) provides the vocabulary to access and manipulate the structure and behavior of objects. Typical functions of a metaobject protocol include:

  • Creating and deleting new classes
  • Creating new methods and properties
  • Changing the class structure so that classes inherit from different classes
  • Generating or modifying the code that defines the methods for the class

Source: Wikipedia.

Course Review

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

This course is not for the weak nor the procastinators.

I think flipped learning and is good for students who actually want to learn because it gives you the choice to either procrastinate and waste time or organize yourself and your time to do the activities, homework, learn OOP, meet new people who can help you with OOP which is mostly what i did during this course (of course I did procrastinate a little, and by a little i mean ALOT, but I did everything, or at least most of what I was asked to do and some extra stuff which helped me with other courses).

During this course i learned Object Oriented Programming in the almighty JAVA programming language, and how did i did this? Well, first of all, without the help of my classroom partners or Lynda videos/StackOverflow/random websites i wouldn't be able learn the basic concepts of OOP such as what is an object, method, inheritance, polymorphism, delegation, use cases, a little of graphical user interface, etc.

I liked this way of learning mostly because it encouraged me to help myself and not procrastinate, i also liked it because i could ask anyone in the class about any problem i had and i would get help and answers real quick which helped me get my assignments done. I also had a lot of fun reading my classmates blog posts, some of them where funny, sarcastic and they really helped me with my WSQs and learning.


Gilberto Rogel García A01630171


WSQ13 – James Gosling

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

Sir James Gosling or best known as the father of the Java programming language.

So this guy started programming at age 14 because he broke into a > data center and he kept going to that university to read and learn about the machines in that room and noone ever noticed because he figured out that if you pretend you're supposed to be there everyone else will think that indeed you're supposed to be there. When i was age 14 i didn't know what was i doing with my life but i never did something as clever as breaking into somewhere to learn stuff... this guy's crazy smart! But that's not the point here, the point is that he invented the almighty JAVA PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. 

End of thinking capacity...

Gilberto Rogel García A01630171



WSQ12 Ward Cunningham

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

"It's great to be here" You can see his face full of emotion.

The great Ward Cunningham, inventor of the Wiki, started with a little database made of cards using Hyper Card(It combines databse capabilities with a graphical, flexible, user-modifiable interface.) because his goal was the absortion of technology amongts technologist, and he made a database out of cards that tracked how ideas moved throught his company.

I find it really impressive how can just one person think of an idea to help himself and his company and it ends up being one of the most used tools amongts students and researchers or whoever uses it to find any kind of information, like, almost all kinds of concepts and information can be found there.

At some point of the interview the guy asked what should students learn or something like that and Ward replied that we should learn what a boolean variable is (-.-), jquery and javascript. Now i got more things to do during the summer.

Gilberto Rogel García   A01630171

WSQ11 Library Assignment

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

Of course I'm stupid enought to not to read instructions so i went ahead and made the GravityCalculator Assignment... Code in github

after doing this i went on and read the instructions "again" and noticed i only had to do the Library Assignment, which asked to make two classes: Book & Library. Both classes had a bunch of methods to complete their task, but they were empty and what this assignment asked for was basically to fill in the blanks of every method to fullfil their function.

In the Book class for example it had:

public class Book {

    String title;
    boolean borrowed; 
// Marks the book as not rented public void returned() { // Implement this method 



And you just had to write the implementation inside the method. In this case it's easy because it only asks you to mark the book as not rented so the result should look like this:

// Marks the book as not rented
    public void returned() {


Final result of the class Book: Github link

The class Library was a bit more difficult, at first i didnt understand how should i implement them methods but with a lil help from Jorge Padilla's Blog and Luis Vargas's Blog i noticed that a book array made this assignment (and your life) less hard.


Result (NOT FINAL) of the class Library:  Github Link



As you can see i have 2 mistakes: 

  1. "Sorry, this book is not in our catalog" missing.
  2. The Lord of the Rings book shouldnt be available in the first library.

I couldnt figure out how to solve this mistakes... any help is appreciated!!. 

Gilberto Rogel García A01630171