James Gosling

--Originally published at luiscortesjava

WSQ 13 consisted in watching a video of James Gosling. He is one of the inventors of Java programing language (almost nothing hahah).

When Gosling was working at IBM  he acknowledge that everything was becoming software, everyday task were nos software, so he an his team mates decided to create Java.

Honestly i didn’t some things in this video but it was very interesting to  watch an i highly recommend it.

here is the link to the video.

James Gosling

Course review

--Originally published at luiscortesjava

This semester with ken was a little bit different from the last one and honestly I didn’t like the abolish grades policy, because it made me care less about the course but at the same tome it gave me more time to work on my project.

Taking a course with ken is always a great experience, he is an incredible human being  and the only thing he cares about is helping. Ken teach many important things that have nothing to do with OOP but those things would help my entire life.

Thank you ken for this course, it was awesome.

here is a video of my opinion in Spanish about this course .

Course review

My project #WSQ05

--Originally published at luiscortesjava

My project #WSQ05

My team and I decided that our project would be to create a set of tracks with a click system so that anyone can create a time lapse using a cellphone.

We already started working on this project. We already setup and install the raspberry software, we also started playing with java and the raspberry but we have some trouble using the built in IDE (BlueJ) so we had to install Netbeans, we already download the necessary libraries and the additional software. We are currently looking for the hardware and playing with sleep functions on java.

My project #WSQ05

My project #WSQ05

--Originally published at luiscortesjava

My project #WSQ05

My team and I decided that our project would be to create a set of tracks with a click system so that anyone can create a time lapse using a cellphone.

We already started working on this project. We already setup and install the raspberry software, we also started playing with java and the raspberry but we have some trouble using the built in IDE (BlueJ) so we had to install Netbeans, we already download the necessary libraries and the additional software. We are currently looking for the hardware and playing with sleep functions on java.

My project #WSQ05

My own server

--Originally published at luiscortesjava

Im planning on building my own home server using a raspberry pi.

My own server

Dropbox is very expensive and less secure, thats why im planning this project, I already started watching some videos. I will post more about this later.

If someone is interested there are a lot of great  videos and tutorials about how to get this done, just google.

My own server

My own server

--Originally published at luiscortesjava

Im planning on building my own home server using a raspberry pi.

My own server

Dropbox is very expensive and less secure, thats why im planning this project, I already started watching some videos. I will post more about this later.

If someone is interested there are a lot of great  videos and tutorials about how to get this done, just google.

My own server

WSQ04- Flipped Learning

--Originally published at luiscortesjava

WSQ04- Flipped Learning

The first semester that I took a class with ken and he said that we can do whatever we want in class I thought that he was crazy, but now I know for a fact that this method of teaching actually works.

During a semester with ken we learn not only programing, we also learn responsibility but without getting stress. If you are really busy you can just relax and focus on what you need and then easily just watch some videos and nothing happens.

I really enjoy flipped clases and I would recommend them to many teachers and students.


WSQ04- Flipped Learning

WSQ04- Flipped Learning

--Originally published at luiscortesjava

WSQ04- Flipped Learning

The first semester that I took a class with ken and he said that we can do whatever we want in class I thought that he was crazy, but now I know for a fact that this method of teaching actually works.

During a semester with ken we learn not only programing, we also learn responsibility but without getting stress. If you are really busy you can just relax and focus on what you need and then easily just watch some videos and nothing happens.

I really enjoy flipped clases and I would recommend them to many teachers and students.


WSQ04- Flipped Learning