The mother of all projects: Bot.e

--Originally published at richardctc201

This is my blog post of out final project, that in my opinion is the mother of all projects! Actually with it we won a government contest of ecologic apps (my mom was so proud!) As Ken and the other students can read in my blog post of useCases, Bot.e is an application that gives free stuff (food, cloth discounts, electronic things) to the good people of this world. In the future (we are working on it) there would be special trash cans were people can throw garbage, and they would display QR codes; this codes would be scanned by the person with his/her smartphone, and in the official app, Bot.e, he or she is going to accumulate points. This points will be interchangeable for discounts and coupons in the stores that are market partners with Bot.e. One person, just for throwing the garbage in the correct place, could win free wings at a restaurant, or 50% discount in cinema tickets, just to mention some examples.

For the purpose of Ken course, we modified our initial code to make it more Objected-Oriented. We coded it in Android Studio, a platform specialized in development of apps for Android phones. The code is written in Java and HTML. In the video I’m going to add to this blog post you can see how we adapted to be the more objected-oriented as possible. We created a lot of objects (although in code everything is an object, so it is redundant), we created a bunch of methods, but instead of calling them as simple functions, we called them from the objects.

Although we changed our project idea almost at the end of the semester, he had a lot of time for developing the new project; we did not  get through a ‘Hackathon week’ as Ken warned us. And for keep writing a bunch of silly stuff, I should better leave the video for everything to watch it.

The mother of all projects: Bot.e

College Advide – #WSQ10

--Originally published at My Programming Course

En este WSQ Joel nos da unos avisos, 7 de los cuales son escenciales:

  1. Learn how to write before graduating.
  2. Learn C before graduating.
  3. Learn microeconomics before graduating.
  4. Don’t blow off non-CS classes just because they’re boring.
  5. Take programming-intensive courses.
  6. Stop worrying about all the jobs going to India.
  7. No matter what you do, get a good summer internship.

En los cuales concuerdo en la mayoría. Los dos primeros puntos creo que son escenciales para el transcurso de la carrera, no necesariamente hasta el final. Siempre tenemos que asistir a clases para aprender todo lo que podamos. Que no nos importe o nos detenga salir fuera y que al final podemos darnos el lujo de tener un buen descanso.


WSQ13 – James Gosling

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

Sir James Gosling or best known as the father of the Java programming language.

So this guy started programming at age 14 because he broke into a > data center and he kept going to that university to read and learn about the machines in that room and noone ever noticed because he figured out that if you pretend you're supposed to be there everyone else will think that indeed you're supposed to be there. When i was age 14 i didn't know what was i doing with my life but i never did something as clever as breaking into somewhere to learn stuff... this guy's crazy smart! But that's not the point here, the point is that he invented the almighty JAVA PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. 

End of thinking capacity...

Gilberto Rogel García A01630171



James Gosling

--Originally published at luiscortesjava

WSQ 13 consisted in watching a video of James Gosling. He is one of the inventors of Java programing language (almost nothing hahah).

When Gosling was working at IBM  he acknowledge that everything was becoming software, everyday task were nos software, so he an his team mates decided to create Java.

Honestly i didn’t some things in this video but it was very interesting to  watch an i highly recommend it.

here is the link to the video.

James Gosling

Course review

--Originally published at luiscortesjava

This semester with ken was a little bit different from the last one and honestly I didn’t like the abolish grades policy, because it made me care less about the course but at the same tome it gave me more time to work on my project.

Taking a course with ken is always a great experience, he is an incredible human being  and the only thing he cares about is helping. Ken teach many important things that have nothing to do with OOP but those things would help my entire life.

Thank you ken for this course, it was awesome.

here is a video of my opinion in Spanish about this course .

Course review

WSQ 07

--Originally published at chozaoop

Also forgot this one, we also did this one as a team, same, we did the logic stuff and operations in a blank page and then wrote the code based on this.

Here’s a snip of the code:

WSQ 07

Kind of the same as the WSQ06, we initialized the variables from the beginning, no constructor and a single class that makes two loops to get the whole process done.

It was my fault to post this at the very end of the course but, well, some people procrastinates real hard sometimes.

Here’s the link to Cesar’s Github.

WSQ 07