Selecting new UseCases

--Originally published at richardctc201

Selecting new UseCases

As you can see in my friend David’s blog, we had a small change in our final project (and for small I mean a whole new project). The idea of the RaspLapse was kind of obsolete. That’s why we decided to select a new project; this new project we had had developed this semester as a project for a government contest, but we chose to begin again giving it a more objected-oriented path, so that it adjust to the requests of the final project.

Due to it is well… a new project, it needs to have it respective Use Cases defined. In this blog post I’m going to expose the Use Cases of our new project called “Bot.e”:

We defined nine Use Cases in total were there are explained all the tasks that the different actors or users of the app must do in order to have a good performance of the app.

  • Use Case #1

Title: Downloading the app

Actor: User

Description: Enter to the AppStore or Google Store, search for the app “Bot.e”, and install it.

  • Use Case #2

Title: Register

Actor: User

Description: Open the app, create a new username and select a new password. Fill the information that is request in order to register as a new user.

  • Use Case #3

Title: Access the camera

Actor: App, User.

Description: The app will request the phone to access the camera. The user may click ‘accept’ button in the pop-up window to accomplish this process.

  • Use Case #4

Title: Home page

Actor: App

Description: When the user opens the app, he/she has to see the home page in his/her phone screen. The app has to show the ‘scan’ button, the ‘store’ button, the ‘my coupons’ button, and the display of points. Also it has to show the official logo of the app, and the layout with the official colors.

  • Use Case #5

Title: Scanner

Actor: User, Phone, App.

Description: When a QR code is displayed, the user has to open the app, and click the ‘scan’ button. The app has to open the phone’s camera. When the camera is open, the user has to put the phone in front of the QR code, so that the app can scan it through the camera.

  • Use Case #6

Title: Store

Actor: App, User.

Description: If the user decides to click the ‘store’ button, the app has to display the store page. In this store page, the different options of offers will be shown.

  • Use Case #7

Title: Display Points

Actor: App

Description: As it is mentioned in Use Case # 4, when the user opens the app, in the home page there must be a display showing the points that the user has accumulated. The display of points has to update immediately every time the user scan a QR code.

  • Use Case #8

Title: Alert messages

Actor: App

Description: The app must pop-up alert messages in many occasions. The app displays an alert message when the user wants to buy something in the store, but he/she does not have enough points. The app displays an alert message when the user attempt to buy an item in the store just to make sure that is the correct item de user wants, and also there is an alert message when he/she successfully buys an item in the store. The app displays an alert message when the user scans a QR code successfully. Finally, the app displays an alert message when the user tries to scan an incorrect QR code.

  • Use Case #9

Title: Buy & exchange coupons

Actor: User, App.

Description: As described in Use Case #6, the user has to enter the ‘store’ in order to buy an item. The user has to select the item he/she wants by clicking the button of the selected item. The user has to confirm that he/she wants to buy that specific item. When exchanging the bought item, the user has to enter to ‘My coupons’, select the item he/she wants to exchange, and the app would display a code bar that would be processed by the establishment’s staff where the user is trying to exchange the item.



Selecting new UseCases

UseCases: Answers to the project questions

--Originally published at richardctc201

UseCases: Answers to the project questions

In the activity of the description of the Use Cases of our project, my team and I concluded in four use cases: Installation, Turn on Rasplapse (the fancy name of our app ? ), User let Rasplapse create a Timelapse, and Name and save the video with Rasplapse. In all the cases the actor is the user of the app.

The first is pretty obvious: the user would need to download the Pi4J library, and downlaod the Rasplapse software. The second one enables the user to connect his/her Raspberry Pi to a power source (to turn it on, of course) and then click on the Rasplapse symbol in the desktop to open the program.

The other couple of use cases are more complicated that the last two, since they describe the behavior of the app and its functionality. The third one is the use case where the user name and select the directory where the video is going to be saved.

Finally there’s the action of letting Rasplapse to create a Timelapse: the user is asked for a duration and a photo-rate for the app to take the pictures in that range. After that, the camera takes a few seconds, and then starts to take photos in the photo-rate and duration specified. After this time range is finished, the user can find the video in the directory selected previously.

Our project is in the right path since we’ve bought the engines that are going to move the camera, and we are in the process of testing the code.


UseCases: Answers to the project questions