Solar Eclipse #WSQ01

--Originally published at My Programming Course

Solar Eclipse #WSQ01

In this WSQ I had to install eclipse in my machine.

I had quite a few problems doing this.

First of all I found out that if you install Java in your Program Files (x86) folder, eclipse will send you the error 13. 

I watched a few tutorials to solve this but the only solution was to install it in te Program Files folder (without x86).

This Video is the one I used for installing Eclipse in my pc.

This is how the interface looks.

Total Elcipse of the Heart

--Originally published at Juan Salvador Fernández Contreras

Well, since Ken showed us where to get the stuff y had almost no trouble getting started with the instalation, there was only a problema when I first tried to run Eclipse, but in the second try it magicaly solved itself. We shall never know what exactly happened, but it shall remain foreven in our hearts…

By the way, remember the title?

Total Elcipse of the Heart

Eclipse Essential Training

--Originally published at richardctc201

Jajajaja many people would think that I’m a lazy person because I have just seen the Lynda videos on Eclipse Essential Training, but actually a was not aware of those videos until this weekend, and I install and practice in Eclipse on my own.

The series of videos that the website Lynda shows about the essential training of Eclipse are just for getting started, giving some format to the code, and the use of some practical tools that the platform offers.

I think that the information in those videos is going to be useful in the future when the things in Eclipse start getting a little bit more serious and complicated. I specially liked the video on Formatting because sometimes I struggle with the indentation and braces/brackets of the codes, so is good to know that I can adjust my own format and ensure all my codes have the same indentation and stuff.


Eclipse Essential Training

Abstraction & Encapsulation

--Originally published at richardctc201

Yesterday I saw the video in Lynda that the professor suggested us where there are defined some basic concepts of Object-Oriented Programming. There were two special elements that are in the list of Mastery topics: abstraction and encapsulation. These two are essential in understanding the functionality of a class, and therefore how are they built.

The first one, abstraction is the action of focusing on the essentials, and discarding what is unimportant or irrelevant. Abstraction is having the most general idea about something without entering in details, centering in the essential qualities of this idea. One clear example could be the idea of a banana: the most general idea of the banana includes color, shape, and maybe flavor. The attributes that are unimportant when thinking about a banana are probably chemical concepts like density, acidity, and what it is made of.

The other element, encapsulation is referred to the action of not only putting the attributes and methods in one same place (a class), but protecting them. The basic ‘law’ of an OOP is that an object must hide all its information except from the data that is absolutely necessary to expose. This action of encapsulating the attributes of an object is useful because it reduces dependencies that many parts of the program may have in just one class or one tiny part of the program.

I would continue seeing the suggested videos in Lynda and posting here about them.

Abstraction & Encapsulation