College Advide – #WSQ10

--Originally published at My Programming Course

En este WSQ Joel nos da unos avisos, 7 de los cuales son escenciales:

  1. Learn how to write before graduating.
  2. Learn C before graduating.
  3. Learn microeconomics before graduating.
  4. Don’t blow off non-CS classes just because they’re boring.
  5. Take programming-intensive courses.
  6. Stop worrying about all the jobs going to India.
  7. No matter what you do, get a good summer internship.

En los cuales concuerdo en la mayoría. Los dos primeros puntos creo que son escenciales para el transcurso de la carrera, no necesariamente hasta el final. Siempre tenemos que asistir a clases para aprender todo lo que podamos. Que no nos importe o nos detenga salir fuera y que al final podemos darnos el lujo de tener un buen descanso.


WSQ10 – College Advice

--Originally published at tc2016blog

Joel Spolsky has managed to keep, what he said in 2005, relevant in 2016 which is why it got my atention.

I like to know that I’m not totally wrong trying to learn different programming languages as of Java, like learning C or C++ or even Python.

Also we as future workers, or entrepreneurs, need to know how to manage our money that is why Joel advices us to study microeconomics, because if you do not know how to manage your money you’re probably going to have a hard time getting to know how the real world works.

And last but not least, internships, I have tought about this a lot, and I would really like to have an intership abroad, but honestly those are expensive so if I manage to do one, its going to be a local one.

WSQ10 – College Advice


--Originally published at Jsph's Blog

</College Advice>

In the words of Joel Spolsky, “if you enjoy programming computers, count your blessings: you are in a very fortunate minority of people who can make a great living doing work they enjoy“. I wanted to start this way because this lines are very important to me. Many of the programmers worldwide don’t enjoy coding and they do this just because money.

At the beginning you should know what you want to study because it is really difficul to make the right decision and this happened to me, I was afraid and I was not sure if in my other degree I would succeed. Now, I feel comfortable in the field of computer science and at least I think I made the right decision.

Here are Joel’s Seven Pieces of Free Advice for Computer Science College Students (worth what you paid for them):

  1. Learn how to write before graduating.
  2. Learn C before graduating.
  3. Learn microeconomics before graduating.
  4. Don’t blow off non-CS classes just because they’re boring.
  5. Take programming-intensive courses.
  6. Stop worrying about all the jobs going to India.
  7. No matter what you do, get a good summer internship.


WSQ10 – College Advice

--Originally published at finntc2016

I have read the blogpost Advice for Computer Science College Students from Joel Spolsky. Well, I don’t study computer science but physics. But anyways it’s interesting so I want to share my thoughts.

The seven advices Joel Spolsky gives us are:

  1. Learn how to write before graduating.
  2. Learn C before graduating.
  3. Learn microeconomics before graduating.
  4. Don’t blow off non-CS classes just because they’re boring.
  5. Take programming-intensive courses.
  6. Stop worrying about all the jobs going to India.
  7. No matter what you do, get a good summer internship.

I completely agree with the first point. Being able to communicate your ideas is an important skill, not only for computer science students.

The second point makes sense. It’s like “You need to learn how to walk if you want to learn to run one day.”.

A programmer who understands the fundamentals of business is going to be a more valuable programmer.” is a really good point, which is why I find the third advise very interesting.

The fourth and fifth advise aren’t very surprising. But I agree.

The sixth point is a very good one. Joel Spolsky gave some good arguments to stop worrying.

About the seventh and last point I’ve not thought about yet (since I don’t study CS), but it is a very good one. Getting practice is important, as well as having a resume you can be proud of.

WSQ10 – College Advice

Lest argue about University

--Originally published at richardctc201


Lest argue about University

I have read Joel Spolsky’s blog post about the advice he gives for Computer Science students in order to have more chances to succeed in their careers.  Joel writes down seven pieces of advice, almost all related to academic stuff, in which he encouraged students to not only center on programming stuff, but also on other topics that may not seem as interesting as computer science itself.

Here are the seven pieces of advice Joel talks about:

  1. Learn how to write before graduating.
  2. Learn C before graduating.
  3. Learn microeconomics before graduating.
  4. Don’t blow off non-CS classes just because they’re boring.
  5. Take programming-intensive courses.
  6. Stop worrying about all the jobs going to India.
  7. No matter what you do, get a good summer internship.

Last semester I had a course called “Introducción a la Electrónica” taught by Electronic Engineering director Eduardo Espadas. Here I was asked to elaborate an academic plan for my years at Tec de Monterrey. In this ‘plan de carrera’ I enlisted my goals for every semester I’m going to attend here at Tec. One of my ideas was that for every semester I would try something new, I would register myself in a new course that has nothing to do with electronics. Some of my plans are: take the Legal English course (I swear I had this idea long before reading Joel’s advice of learning how to write); enter to cultural courses such as guitar, cuisine, etc; learn another language (currently I’m in German courses); and many other plans for the rest of my years in University.

Clearly I agree with most of the ideas of Joel, but of course there must be at least one thing that I don’t share with him, and this thing is the importance he gives to the GPA. This disagreement has nothing to do with my grades, I have a very good GPA; the real reason is that I think that there are things way more important than the GPA. I know that the GPA is very important, and in some way it tells many things about level of responsibility and dedication of a student. The thing is that if in this time of my life I became an employer of a company, I would definitely give more importance to extra academic important achievements than to the GPA of a potential great engineer.

Of course we all have different points of view, and not always we are going to agree absolutely everything about something, but what its a fact is that if you want to be a great engineer whom the company’s fight between them for you, conforming with taking only classes of your academic area is just not enough.

Lest argue about University

Lest argue about University

--Originally published at richardctc201


Lest argue about University

I have read Joel Spolsky’s blog post about the advice he gives for Computer Science students in order to have more chances to succeed in their careers.  Joel writes down seven pieces of advice, almost all related to academic stuff, in which he encouraged students to not only center on programming stuff, but also on other topics that may not seem as interesting as computer science itself.

Here are the seven pieces of advice Joel talks about:

  1. Learn how to write before graduating.
  2. Learn C before graduating.
  3. Learn microeconomics before graduating.
  4. Don’t blow off non-CS classes just because they’re boring.
  5. Take programming-intensive courses.
  6. Stop worrying about all the jobs going to India.
  7. No matter what you do, get a good summer internship.

Last semester I had a course called “Introducción a la Electrónica” taught by Electronic Engineering director Eduardo Espadas. Here I was asked to elaborate an academic plan for my years at Tec de Monterrey. In this ‘plan de carrera’ I enlisted my goals for every semester I’m going to attend here at Tec. One of my ideas was that for every semester I would try something new, I would register myself in a new course that has nothing to do with electronics. Some of my plans are: take the Legal English course (I swear I had this idea long before reading Joel’s advice of learning how to write); enter to cultural courses such as guitar, cuisine, etc; learn another language (currently I’m in German courses); and many other plans for the rest of my years in University.

Clearly I agree with most of the ideas of Joel, but of course there must be at least one thing that I don’t share with him, and this thing is the importance he gives to the GPA. This disagreement has nothing to do with my grades, I have a very good GPA; the real reason is that I think that there are things way more important than the GPA. I know that the GPA is very important, and in some way it tells many things about level of responsibility and dedication of a student. The thing is that if in this time of my life I became an employer of a company, I would definitely give more importance to extra academic important achievements than to the GPA of a potential great engineer.

Of course we all have different points of view, and not always we are going to agree absolutely everything about something, but what its a fact is that if you want to be a great engineer whom the company’s fight between them for you, conforming with taking only classes of your academic area is just not enough.

Lest argue about University

WSQ10 – Advice

--Originally published at Hell Yeah

Recently we got assigned to read this article, where Joel Spolsky gives advice to Computer Science students. He gives seven great tips for CS students, which are the following:

  1. Learn how to write before graduating.
  2. Learn C before graduating.
  3. Learn microeconomics before graduating.
  4. Don’t blow off non-CS classes just because they’re boring.
  5. Take programming-intensive courses.
  6. Stop worrying about all the jobs going to India.
  7. No matter what you do, get a good summer internship.

Most of these tips (2, 4, 5, 7) are the staple tips of every programming forum ever (/r/learnprogramming comes to mind), but the other three are quite interesting to me, and to be honest I never thought about them.

Number 1 talks about the importance of written and spoken language in this area. One might say “But why should I worry about this?”. There was a movie called The Wolf of Wall Street in 2014, and there’s two scenes that popped back into my head when I read this tip. The first one is when Jordan Belfort sells stocks of a really small company to a guy over the phone as if it was the next East India Trading Company. The second one is the last scene, where Jordan gives a seminar about sales, and asks the people at the seminar to sell a pen. The points these scene try to get across is the same as the tip on Joel’s post. It doesn’t matter how big or small your project is, the difference is when you present it to other people. Speaking and writing excellently is necessary.

The third one talks about microeconomics. I couldn’t explain a lot about what he wrote because I frankly don’t understand about economics. Which is exactly why this advice is important. There is no job you could take in this area where economics will not be handy. And as he says, a programmer that understands business is automatically worth more than one who doesn’t.

The last tip  speaks about not worrying about outsourcing to countries like India. but in this day and age, that is no longer a problem. There is an increasing demand for excellent programmers. If the effort is spent towards this goal, jobs going somewhere else is not a problem, there will always be more.

WSQ10 – Advice

Career choice: Do whatever you want.

--Originally published at Social coding

I didn’t like the blog, why?
I feel there isn’t any type of recipe like the points in the blog, the author say this but he didn’t go deep in the topic.
You should learn what you want and what you think is your passion. I am passionate about discovering things, investigating and searching for innovative solutions for problems that we live now, so I can decide what can help me achieve this goal. Last semester I failed a class and didn’t get such a great grade, but I am pretty sure that I learn a lot of new things more than the ones my teachers were teaching me. I wanted more, I want more, I won’t stop now.
I didn’t go for the top grade or for impressing my teachers, that doesn’t help my goal. So when I saw the opportunity to learn about startups and how they work with their different weapons (ok, it will be better to call them methodologies), I took it. And I am happy, I got into Tec Lean Accelerator Program where I learned a lot about business. If I want to make a change I need to know this, that time was spent in something a lot of people of first semester wouldn’t like to. But his use of my time bring me one more thing that I think it is the most important.

Meeting people who can enrich you.

I feel very grateful to all the people who told me new things and then became my friends. All this experiences have been great but this was because I was not afraid of going out of my comfort zone to learn something that can help me achieve my goals.
I want you to do a exercise:

Write your goals. Then the things you need to know for them to come real. And then learn one thing each week.
You will feel like a new person every week.

You should try it, but don’t think you only need to know about one side of the fight. In the present time, we need to be prepare to be in any position.

Career choice: Do whatever you want.

#WSQ10-College Advice

--Originally published at diegotc2016

I think this WSQ has been the most enriching task. Just a few days before Ken posted the assignment I was thinking about asking some of my teachers about college advice because I’ve noticed that I’m not a very good programmer as I could be. So these tips have helped me to know the way on how to become a better programmer but it all depends on how I implement those tips.

The tips Joel Spolsky gave are:

  1. Learn how to write before graduating.
  2. Learn C before graduating.
  3. Learn microeconomics before graduating.
  4. Don’t blow off non-CS classes just because they’re boring.
  5. Take programming-intensive courses.
  6. Stop worrying about all the jobs going to India.
  7. No matter what you do, get a good summer internship

I think the most important tips first of all is learning C, as he said C is like the god of all programming languages so if after graduating I wanna have a good job I must lear C.

Another great tip is to don’t blow off non-CS classes just because they’re boring. This CS classes I think are the AEV, EVAP, Ethics and those kind of subjects, so I better make my best in this courses because they are the ones that make your final carrer grade better and most of the recruiters check on how your grade is in order to get a job.

Finally another tip that I find important is to take programming-intensive courses. A friend of mine that is studying these degree too told me that also. My friend told me that taking these kind of courses gives you the better job when you’re graduating.

#WSQ10-College Advice

I got this out of:


#WSQ10-College Advice


--Originally published at Programación Orientada a Objetos

Advice for Computer Science College Students

Primero que nada, me gustó mucho el mensaje de Joel Spolsky de hacer lo que amas, el dedicarle tu tiempo a algo que te gusta hacer, en nuestro caso: la programación.
“If you enjoy programming computers, count your blessings: you are in a very fortunate minority of people who can make a great living doing work they enjoy. Most people aren’t so lucky. The very idea that you can “love your job” is a modern concept.” (Joel Spolsky).

Aquí están los 7 consejos de Joel Spolsky:

  1. Aprende como escribir antes de graduarte.
    Debe de ser uno de los mejores consejos que puedes tomar. Imagínense tener una super idea, que sabes que tiene muchísimo potencial, y que quieres empezar a decírsela a las personas para que sepan tu idea, pero simplemente no puedes transmitir esa idea?. Tu idea esta ahí, con todo su potencial, pero las personas no la entienden o no pueden ver todo su alcance; por lo tanto no la soportan. Todo se basa en la comunicación, en la buena expresión de tus ideas.
  2. Aprende C antes de graduarte.
    Como lo mencionó mi compañero Luis Vargas en su blog:—college-advice Siempre que pregunto que es lo que debería de aprender a lo largo de la carrera, todos mencionan C.
  3. Aprende microeconomía antes de graduarte.
    Simplemente por saber sobre la oferta y demanda. Así funciona el mundo, es algo que tenemos que aprender, al igual que como funciona la competencia. En pocas palabras es aprender un poco sobre como funcionan los negocios.
  4. No te saltes clases que no son de la carrera solo porque son aburridas.
    Básicamente el saltarse clases se verá reflejado en tu promedio, esto solo demostrará que no tienes compromiso, ni responsabilidad, ya que ese número demuestra como una persona, en este caso tu maestro, evaluó tu trabajo por un periodo de tiempo y como reaccionaste a ello.
  5. Toma cursos intensivos de programación.
    En la universidad no siempre te van a enseñar todo lo que necesitas, por lo tanto tienes que hacer un esfuerzo extra y tomar cursos!! Hay que aprender cosas nuevas.
  6. Deja de preocuparte por todo los trabajos que están en India.
    Creo que en lo que menos me preocupo es en donde podría haber más trabajo sobre mi carrera, mi éxito no dependerá de eso. Computer Science es un campo muy grande, donde en cualquier país hay oportunidades.
  7. No importa que es lo que hagas, consigue un buen Summer Internship.
    Tenemos que aprovechar nuestras oportunidades con la programación!! Aparte de que es un trabajo para el verano, nos servirá demasiado en experiencia, no hay que desperdiciarla.