My first time #tc2027

--Originally published at Computer security

Hello everyone, this is my very first blog and therefore my first blog post. This blog was created for my computer security class sake, so most of the content will be related to that area, if I may feel like it I will post about other topics of my interest but that is in debate at the moment.

A little about me, I’m a Software Engineering student, every day a little closer to my graduation, a proud Mexican and my likes are videogames, all kinds of sports, reading books, traveling, and all that has to do with technology. Just another passenger in this train that we call life. Also it should be noted that english is not my first language, that will be spanish, so bear with me if you see any grammatical mistake and feel free to correct me so that I can improve for later posts.

With all that said I think this will be it for now.. See you in a later post!

Bye gif