
--Originally published at iTec – Digital Identity

The progress we have made thanks to technology over the last years has been impressive, today Diego Zavala talked to us little bit about the history of video and how it has helped to change the world.

He assigned us an activity which was to create a video of about one minute, I teamed up with 2 other people in order to finish faster since we only had one hour.

Information can be a threat

--Originally published at iTec – Digital Identity


We constantly use technology to make our lives easier or to communicate an socialize, we get encouraged to post information of ourselves online but we are rarely warned about the possible consequences of doing so, for example, posting certain types of photos on Facebook could possibly reduce your employment opportunities.

There is a huge risk when making blogs and tweets, you are are giving information about you to a lot of people and you can’t know how will they react to it. It is also important to realize that it is important to develop the skills to use technology but it is more important to understand what our reading and writing might do.

It is not possible to avoid all the risks and threads that happen when we post on the internet, but we must be prepare to face them and deal with them in order to address anyone who might contact them.


--Originally published at iTec – Digital Identity


The internet is a very diverse place and it can be used differently by different people. Some people use the internet as a tool warehouse, they get in, search for whatever they need (photos, information, videos, etc) and then they leave, leaving no trace of them online. This type of people are called visitors.

On the other hand, some people use the internet as a “place” or a medium to socialice and meet other people, a part of their lives is through the internet. This people are constantly leaving traces on the internet, either with the information they exchange with other people or with the content they create. They are called residents.

These two types of people usually interact with one another through the same site, for instance, a person in youtube watching a video might be a visitor while the person who appears in the video is a resident.

What is digital identity?

--Originally published at iTec – Digital Identity

In real life we have an identity, our name, where we live, what we do, etc defines who we are, some of this can be changed, other can go unnoticed and some will be forgotten over time. On the internet however whatever gets there it stays there almost forever (Ask NSA).

Your digital identity is basically a chronological story of what you do on the internet, it can be what you post directly into it, indirectly through the work of others or when someone screws up and all your data is leaked (Yahoo! for example).

It is important to constantly monitor our digital identity since it is available to a lot of people and, just like in real life, it can either help you get what you want (A job for example) or it can destroy you. Be careful with what you do on the internet, everyone is watching, literally.