Day 1

--Originally published at Semana i – Digital Identity

Great day!

Semana i…. here we go!14444785_10154461752639534_494701945488420924_o

Today we started with the Digital Identity course… the profesor Ken gave us welcome and he explained how we are going to work in this week.

Then we had a video conference with Dave Cormier, who was so kind to answers us many questions about the careless use of internet.


And I was so impressed because I thought that the private conversations and a lot of things which I considered  secure, they are not.


Also we did a reflection activity in which we wrote in a piece of paper things that we like it, another things in which we want to be better and five things that anybody knows about us. I think that the activity objetive was that we could know ourselves better, actually it was a very interesting.

After we created a blog where we are going to uploading the activities as evidence, and I think that my blog home page is very cool, I did very well.

Finally, we watched two videos about your identity in a digital world and how it can affect you in your life. In one of them , Alec Couros talk about how his digital identity change his life and the second video was about how Pernille Tranberg use fake perfiles to control her digital identity.

Here the video links…

Identity in a digital world | Alec Couros | TEDxLangleyED –

Fake It – to control your digital identity: Pernille Tranberg at TEDxOxford –

And… That’s it!