Students have a voice

--Originally published at Frida Díaz

On Tuesday we had the opportunity to talk with Lee Scallerup Bessette, an Instructional Technology Specialist at University of Mary Washington. During our conversation, her main concern was to let students know that their perspective is also relevant for the Internet. Even though students are the youngest members of the conversation, they should be considered active members in the conversation.

She warmly welcomes every student to have a voice and claim their space on the Internet. She also remarks that anyone´s thoughts will change over time. It´s fine if you become embarrassed of something you said years ago, but that´s not a reason to erase it. Everyone should cherish how they felt when writing something, and how time has changed their perspective. The Internet is big enough to hold what you said, you don´t have to delete it just because you´re ashamed. But if you really feel it´s necessary, it´s fine.

I recommend visiting her personal blog and her twitter account. She also has a website in which she teaches how to do certain things inside a blog: