Reflection on Day 5

--Originally published at Untitled.

r(Credit goes to jcpolur)


When expressing yourself online, you need to be careful with trolls and cyber bullying. One way to combat them is to ignore them and do not feed them because if you ignore them, they eventually get tired and live you alone. 

Also, although blogging and writing in public spaces can help us out as therapy or just to free ourselves from things that we keep inside, we need to have boundaries online.  We need to know the difference between personal and private presence. You do not want to have private information in public. What we need to do is to share our personal nature without sharing private information that can put us in danger and if you want to blog about something that involves someone else, try to ask for permission.

Don’t make private information public.


--Originally published at HEYIT'SDANY

Primero que nada quiero corregir mi comentario de ayer, hoy definitivamente fue mi día favorito de la semana. Empezamos con Ken explicándonos y haciendo preguntas sobre nuestro blog y demás. Diego Zavala, uno de los profesores de la carrera de comunicación (LCMD), vino a darnos una platica sobre los proyectos audiovisuales y nos enseñó a editar. Algunos tuvieron que usar página online para editar su video y otros, como es mi caso, usamos un programa en nuestra computadora. Mi favorito siempre ha sido Adobe Premiere pero en este caso usé iMovie por la facilidad de la edición. Para la música, usé una página que recomiendo bastante porque puedes descargarla gratis y con derechos de autor, lo cual es legal jaja.

Aquí está mi video?

Después de eso tuvimos una conferencia en linea con Rebecca Hogue y Helen Deward. Con ellas platicamos sobre los blogs y cómo deberíamos involucrarnos con el sitio de otros. Les comparto la conferencia.

Finalmente Ken se despidió de nosotros y cada uno se fue a donde la vida lo llevara, jaja. Creo que fue una semana realmente productiva y que me gustó bastante, ya que muchos salieron de su zona de comfort y empezaron a escribir. En mi caso, la escritura es a lo que me quiero dedicar y aunque ya estaba familiarizada bastante bien con los blogs, el estar escribiendo todos los días me gustó mucho.

Día 5.. y ultimo

--Originally published at Semana i – Digital Identity


Sin duda alguna Digital Identity cerró con broche de oro…


Foto descargada de:

Hoy tuvimos una muy interesante platica con Diego Zavala, quien nos hablo de varias formas en las cuales nos podemos expresar a través de internet, así como también diferentes técnicas para realizar videos cortos con el objetivo de hacer más divertido y diferente la forma en que nos expresamos hacia el mundo.

Yo había subido un video ayer en mi post pasado, en el cual hicimos pequeñas tomas de cosas simples pero muy agradables que hacemos día con día y las cuales disfrutamos mucho; y con algunos consejos de Diego lo mejoramos y a mi parecer quedo fabuloso.


Aprendí mucho en este curso, ahora tengo un panorama mas amplio y una perspectiva diferente en lo que a identidad digital se refiere. Entendí que el tipo de persona que reflejas en internet puede afectar tanto para bien como para mal tu vida y que hay que tener mucho cuidado con lo que subimos, puesto que lo que alguna vez estuvo en internet, jamás se borra.

Ya para terminar, creo que solo queda agradecer al profesor Ken Bauer por su tiempo, todas sus enseñanzas, su paciencia pero sobre todo su grandiosa actitud, sin duda alguna es un modelo a seguir.




The yellow duck make a video of its life.

--Originally published at the yellow duck told me to cook rice

Today was the last chapter of the #Semanai, this week was really interesting we met a lot of different persons from different place of the world without a doubt this week has been one the the most collaborative I ever had.

In the morning we had time to ask Ken in a AMA, some people asked questions and the other part of time Ken showed us a Veritasium video about the way of approaching students.

After that we met Diego a compatriot who works on the design and arts here in ITESM, Diego taught us some interesting tools and talked to us about his work, this because we needed to create a story telling that can or cannot be video but it must tell a story!

Here I let my story telling about my life:


After Diego went, Ken return to the auditorium and we have our last conference with Rebecca J. Hogue and Helen DeWaard ,  we talked for 1 hour about many topics without a doubt this was one the best video conference of the week, they were so good to us, answer all of our question and gave us advices and told us stories, I want to say thank you for both of them this was an excellent conference to close our #Semanai.

There’s no much to talk more but to thank Ken Bauer and all my classmate who were magnificent because they talked a lot, they participated and make the workshop a great place to be.

This is the end of this #Semanai hopefully this won’t be the last time we see each other.


Day 5

--Originally published at Juan Pablo Hallal

30 / September / 2016

On day 5 we had guest speaker Diego Zavala, in person, talking about how we could make different kinds of videos.

I made one with Javier Barragán of our music jam sessions in the studio.


Later on, we had guest speakers Rebecca Hogue and Helen DeWaard talking about blogging and the fact of other peopople, and about digital literacy and practice.

Foto 30-09-16 11 21 28.jpg

Rebecca J. Hogue

This was a great week full of learning, thanks to our mentor Ken Bauer.

Conclusiones y new perspectives

--Originally published at Digital Identity

Idiomas: Español, English

Consideraría éste último día como dos partes:

  1. Introducción a la creación y edición de videos con Diego Zavala
  2. Conversación con Helen DeWaard y Rebecca Hogue.

La primera parte tenía como objetivo final que lográramos hacer un video de manera individual o en grupo, en mi caso trabajé con mi hermana en un video corto sobre la depresión desde nuestras experiencias, espero poder poner el link pronto, ya que el tiempo destinado a las clase, al intentar empezar de cero, nos tomó más tiempo del esperado. Diego nos mostró un video, de una de las plataformas que recomendó como recurso, que me pareció una excelente idea, muy creativa y que logró resonar conmigo particularmente por el tema y contexto del mundo y Estados Unidos.

Since I’ve posted two days in Spanish and two in English I thought it was adequate to write the last post in both languages.

The conversation we held with our guests consisted on what we share and why we share it. They had interesting perspectives on cyber bullying and complemented the ideas previous guests had stated. Fortunately for me they kept inspiring and pushing us to keep writing.

Before this course I had started a blog, hoping to be read but at the same time hoping not to. I’ve always been private and I tend not to share my feelings and thoughts on certain topics, so I was having a tough time fighting against myself and again, since I wouldn’t tell anyone about my blog there was no one encouraging me to continue blogging, and finally as a happy coincidence I ended up in this course.

I’m deeply thankful to all the guests and the teacher for helping me overcome certain fears I had before the course and even some insecurities, although I’m still hoping no one I know in real life reads my personal blog. Thank you for your time, insights and encouraging words. Sorry for not participating as much as you deserved, would hope or I wanted to, I’m shy.

I’ll keep blogging somewhere else.

-Day 5- Final Semana i course

--Originally published at JP Blog

This is the last day of ITec Identity course. We received Professor Diego, who taught us how to make the best video edition. We use the pictures which were taken in the Photo Safari but we also used some others pictures.

In my case, I talked about the things I like to do, things that make me feel alive and happy.

I really hope you can enjoy the video. #JPBlog

Day 5

--Originally published at Untitled.



This day started exactly like the others, with Ken giving us a introduction and an open discussion.

Afterwards, we had a guest speaker: Diego Zavala

This time it was different because it wasn’t an online hangout, but Diego was physically present.

During this time, he showed us some examples of cool videos and then we followed to make our own video with the material of the Video Safari. I had to use an online video editor (Stupeflix) because I do not have one downloaded.

Here’s my video:

10:30 – Break time

After the break, we had our final guest speakers:  Rebecca Hogue & Helen DeWaard

Here’s the link:

And well, that was Day 5 and the last day of this week-long course.

Thank you very much.