Fun With Numbers

--Originally published at C++

Hello everyone, I’m late but I’m going to continue with my blogs, In this blog I’m going to show you how to make a program that sum, difference, divide and multiply two numbers that the user is going to put.

For the moment i’m going to show you the images and later I’m going to tell you how to make it.



Fourt Class, first program

--Originally published at C++

Placeholder Image

Hello everyone, now you are going to read my blog, I’m going to talk you about “C++”, the computer language of programming and like another curses, I am going to tell you about the program that you need to do, usually named “HELLO WORLD”.

I’m going to practice with the software “ATOM”, that is a free platform of programming that’s going to help you to write the code, and then we are going to compile the program using the software “CYGWIN”, if you already don’t have installed the system, in another blog I’m going to tell you how to install it because if you didn’t understand like me, it’s going to take you some time.

Because I’m not going to write the code, I’m going to show you a picture of it:


To compile and run the program you are going to open the app “CYGWIN”, and you are going to look for the folder where you saved the program. At the beginning of the line to select the code, REMEMBER WRITE “G++” if you don’t write that you are not going to open the file and it is going to send you an error message, when you finish to write g++ and the name of your code , give click on “enter” and look how runs.

If it gives you another code with “.exe”, and you try to run the first code Blablabla.cpp (Blablabla is an example of a name of the project, you don’t need to run that), run the name of the file blablabla.exe and see how your program works.


For any program that you make, follow these steps:

     1.- When you finish to write your code, save the file and put “.cpp” at the end of it


Continue reading "Fourt Class, first program"

Fourth class, first program ;)

--Originally published at C++

Hello everyone, now you are going to read my blog, I’m going to talk you about “C++”, the computer language of programming and like another curses, I am going to tell you about the program that you need to do, usually named “HELLO WORLD”.

I’m going to practice with the software “ATOM”, that is a free platform of programming that’s going to help you to write the code, and then we are going to compile the program using the software “CYGWIN”, if you already don’t have installed the system, in another blog I’m going to tell you how to install it because if you didn’t understand like me, it’s going to take you some time.

Because I’m not going to write the code, I’m going to show you a picture of it:


To compile and run the program you are going to open the app “CYGWIN”, and you are going to look for the folder where you saved the program. At the beginning of the line to select the code, REMEMBER WRITE “G++” if you don’t write that you are not going to open the file and it is going to send you an error message, when you finish to write g++ and the name of your code , give click on “enter” and look how runs.

If it gives you another code with “.exe”, and you try to run the first code Blablabla.cpp (Blablabla is an example of a name of the project, you don’t need to run that), run the name of the file blablabla.exe and see how your program works.


For any program that you make, follow these steps:

     1.- When you finish to write your code, save the file and put “.cpp” at the end of it


Continue reading "Fourth class, first program ;)"