
--Originally published at TC1017

The program get the minimum number out of three then sum the squares of all three numbers.


Link to the code: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q5U8Isn3j38o1WOfCftsPgF6gKVVdXaWd7hmcTejyHE/edit?usp=sharing


--Originally published at TC1017

Want a factorial for a number? But today is your lucky day, with this awesome program you get to choose which number you get the factorial, and if you’re bored with the program IT WISHES YOU A NICE DAY!! how cool is that!.


Link to the code: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZchDTp6m4T0hVMTrAV1V6PCLf-6Z10RabBwppqjjFEI/edit?usp=sharing


--Originally published at TC1017

This program can be used as a calculator, it does the same that WSQ01(Fun with numbers) just that the code is written in a different way.

Link to the code : https://docs.google.com/document/d/11FaIPuPiMdPmcJmYYp6VYog-xbblDAtM2w9699bOxyg/edit?usp=sharing



--Originally published at TC1017

Programming is life, programming is love. WSQ04 is about a person who needed desperately a good grade and a program who didn’t want to run. But in love, if you put effort and confidence, eventually it will work. If you want no sum from ‘n’ number to ‘z’ number, just use this code.


P.S Want to hear cool music to study or program? I know a Youtube channel who is streaming cool music, if you want to hear it I’ll leave the link below.

P.S I do not own the channel, all the credits to Chilled Cow (Name of the channel)

I’m on fire!

--Originally published at TC1017

Even though I like to program, I should really organize more when to program. I wrote the title because my fingers are hurt, thanks a lot life.

The program is about guessing a number. Sounds fun, right?

Link to code: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AmiE3E_ksmbYlfxvjysL-yMeC93iuUmCoHQ39IYQYsQ/edit?usp=sharing


But why!?

--Originally published at TC1017

Well, I keep asking me why I didn’t ask for help but then I realize I thought i can’t handle it #ThisIsWhyIFail. Just kidding, WSQ01 is ready…

P.S I don’t really know if I have to explain them since I think only my classmates will see the post, but If you are interested in learning how to do them, leave a comment in the post.


Link to the code: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10XjW9zjipcz1PNcIn5e9NwzRC9irkxIVFmWnfJbxQQg/edit?usp=sharing

Keep it up!

--Originally published at TC1017

I wonder how many times I said “I’ll woke up at 3:00 to do the homework”, well I actually  did it this time, haha. Continuing with the programs, this time I got more comfortable with C++ because I found some similarities with C# and with that I didn’t had any problem with the code.


P.S I actually didn’t upload the images because i don’t know how, please don’t laugh :c

*Link to the code:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mxmO4IYqR-0_fdb9Klnuca1H8HibegKOM2IT9yBBeaI/edit?usp=sharing

Hello World!

--Originally published at TC1017

I can’t even believe myself that my first blog entry is at the morning of the partial report of the class, anyways I´m glad that I have done all the task and learned in the process. I must admit that it’s kind of stressful how I managed the class because all of the troubles I had but I hope everything will be cool from now on.

Let´s get started, the basic program in C++ is something called Hello World, in which the programmer knows the most basic things of the program, I didn’t really understand well how c++ works with this program but, like everything in life, practise makes the master.

Have a good day everyone!


*Link to the code: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tIFzlbEAzT-faddncRgjZCdXKHcvgXTfG5FFCOxAT6k/edit?usp=sharing