TC1017 Course Review AND The Learning Pyramid

--Originally published at Solving Problems with Programming

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The aim of this post is to summarise the learning path to learn how to code in this course of solving problems with programming. In this course you need to have the values of discipline and creativity with willing to learn new things by yourself before you take this course that it is the model tec21. After that, you can take this course where you can feel satisfied after you do all the steps of the learning pyramid from reading the book of the course to TEACH ORDERS who probably don’t walk through the path either because they don’t have time because they have so many subjects or they do not know how to start learning.

I like that in this course it was flexible for me to have the time to read the book of the course and do the WSQ programs by myself. Sometimes, I liked the teacher’s help in my WSQS. Furthermore, I like that the exam does not have value on the course and I believe that the teacher is there to guide you to the learning pyramid path.

I appreciated that my ideas for the project I did were accepted in order to enhance my learning path. Also, I liked searching and using other similar solutions from videos of the course and learn.

Furthermore, I like having the abolish grade program where all the work you are doing is reflected in the rubric where you give yourself a grade and I believe all the teachers should take their fear out and adapt this abolish grade program.

If you follow the learning pyramid you will feel very good learning how to code ?

I learn all about coding in C++ where you can see it here:Post of the weeks #11,12,13,14,15 and 16 what

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