
--Originally published at my programming blog

The last WSQ was to use SciLab for data analysis and to display data for example in charts.

This time I’m not going to explain each thing step by step because there is a pdf that explains everything I will do.

you can make a lot of things like: Obtain the sine, cosine, logarithm etc. of a number, also you can make functions which start with “function” and end with “endoffucntion” and it is very similar to c++.

So this is an example of what I learned with SchiLab of data analysis:

Screen Shot 2017-05-01 at 11.31.23 PM

Here I did an analysis if the vectors had equal values, I did a sequence from 20 to 10 where each time there is a -2 (is a loop) and I obtained the value of e/2.

Example of a graph:

Screen Shot 2017-05-01 at 11.39.11 PM

I graphed this curve and the linspace is where you put values where the value of x is the smallest, the biggest and the number of values calculated  between them.


Post of the weeks #11,12,13,14,15 and 16 what things I learned in these weeks ? And Index of Mastery Topics

--Originally published at Solving Problems with Programming

Picture of author

First let me tell you that  I learn and achieved all transversal topics and you can see it in the following link: Post of the week #3 what things i learned in this week #3 ? And Index of Mastery Topics

I also explain my project and formed a small team that corresponds of completing this ability to create C++ project in IDE and run inside the IDE and can be explained in my post My Project For the Course TC1017 and Expo Ing. Let’s code!

Futhermore, I am going to present the report of all the Mastery Topics achieved in this week:

  1. #Mastery01 Use of comments, achieved in: Post of the week #2 what things i learned in this week #2 ?
  2. #Mastery02 C++ Good Style coding conventions, achieved in: Post of the week #2 what things i learned in this week #2 ?
  3. #Mastery03 Basic types and their use, achieved in: Post of the week #2 what things i learned in this week #2 ?
  4. #Mastery04 Basic output (print), achieved in: Post of the week #2 what things i learned in this week #2 ?
  5. #Mastery05 Basic user input (text based), achieved in: Post of the week #2 what things i learned in this week #2 ?
  6. #Mastery06 Calling functions, achieved in: #Quiz03. Also here:#WSQ08 Yo soy 196 11/03/17 and WSQ08.cpp
  7. #Mastery07 Creating functions, achieved in: #Quiz03. Also here: #WSQ08 Yo soy 196 11/03/17 and WSQ08.cpp
  8. #Mastery08 Importing and using libraries, achieved in: Post of the week #1 what things i learned in this week #1 ? Also in #WSQ08 Yo soy 196 11/03/17 and WSQ08.cpp
  9. #Mastery09 Creating and using your own libraries (program with multiple files), achieved in: #Quiz03. Furthermore, also in here: #WSQ08 Yo soy 196 11/03/17 and WSQ08.cpp
  10. #Mastery10 Use of the conditional “if”,
    Continue reading "Post of the weeks #11,12,13,14,15 and 16 what things I learned in these weeks ? And Index of Mastery Topics"

#WSQ13 SciLab 16/04/17

--Originally published at Solving Problems with Programming

scilabp (1)

Link of picture

So in this fourteen week class I started with doing this WSQ13 and I started reviewing in creating and calling functions in C++.#Mastery06, #Mastery07, #Mastery16 Use of recursion for repetitive algorithms, #Mastery17 When to use what type of repetition in a program, #Mastery18 Creation and use of Arrays/ Vectors in C++. Furthermore, in this stage I have all the topics of the course from 1 to 24.

What I did for this numeric program is using Scilab. Scilab is a great tool that I believe I will find very useful during the rest of my degree programs and beyond. The motivation here is simply to introduce me to the tool. Scilab is open source software and runs on Linux, Mac and Windows

Please download and “play with” SciLab.

The resources I need it to play with Scilab are:

Download the latest version at

Please follow the tutorial available on their website under Resources->Documentation. Here is the direct link to the tutorial

Page for SciLab to download at

SciLab is an incredibly useful software used to perform ALL mathematical calculations, plots AND even control Microcontrollers!!. It works using commands from the Matlab software and you can also play with this software . As explained in their introductory document:

As we can see in the next pictures we have the #Mastery23 Data analysis with tools (to be determined which tool, most likely SciLab) and #Mastery24 Visualization of data with tools where we have a command to give a value to a variable and using the command plot for graphics we can see the behaviour of that variable of the graphic. For example, if we have these commands:

>> x=0: pi/100: 2*pi;% son los valores del inicio en cero luego el incremento es pi/100

sin x and cos x
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