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--Originally published at Ken's Disciple 01

Picture by Pixabay Pixabay


Hi guys! i’ll try to upload a video of how our final project works but here are some pictures, me and Mauricio worked the whole semester in this project, we found a lot of difficulties since we are not professionals, but here’s how it looks:

Note: sad to say, this program only works on Mac, because the libraries we’re working with are not supported on windows.

Captura de pantalla 2017-05-03 a la(s) 15.09.39.pngCaptura de pantalla 2017-05-03 a la(s) 15.09.50.png



--Originally published at Loading…

Well, I I actually wanted to do this post for a long time, but I always forgot or I was lazy… until today!

In this project I am working with José Miguel and Gregorio. At the beginning Goyo and I wanted to make like the Atari game of ping pong… something like that, but then we noticed that may be it could be more harder than it looks, and it isn’t too functional, so we decided to create a Vector Calculator… something like that, because who doesn’t love to add vectors, or get their product point?

First we think it should be easier, just a couple of functions, switch, and that’s it. But then we noticed that  however easy it may be, will be very long. We add structs by operation to make it simpler, and actually we are working in that to finish our project as soon as possible. Personally I think I learned a lot trying to make this project, now I know very well how to use the structs and the switch, also I’m a better planning and thinking my programs.

We hope our project be ready for the Expo Ingenierías, or at least for tomorrow.

Final Project – Arc Reactor

--Originally published at Franco TC1017

Hi, I´m Franco and this is my final project for TC1017. 

Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide. File_000These problems affect a lot of kids as well. Cardiovascular disease in kids means that they cannot do activities that require a high level of exercise for a prolonged time, like running or playing outside. It would be easier for parents to take care of their kid´s health if they could oversee their kid´s heart rate easily.

My solution to this problem was to create a wearable light feedback monitor that constantly measures the patient’s pulse and emits a light at the same rhythm.

As it is intended for kids, I made it in the form of Ironman´s arc reactor and big enough for parents to see it at a distance.

It is a completely original design. I designed the hardware, the electrical circuit, and the code.

If you would like to know more about this project, please come visit me at ExpoIngeniería.

File_001 (27)File_000 (37)ECG

MP3 Encoding Project

--Originally published at TC1017

En estas últimas semanas me junté con mi amigo Luis Plancarte y pensamos en ideas para un proyecto de programación, al final pensamos que una buena idea sería crear un juego en el cual la computadora va a poner una canción (en formato mp3) y el usuario va a tener opciones de canciones y va a tener que adivinar cual de todas es la que está sonando, el programa también medirá el tiempo que se tomó en adivinar la canción y los aciertos que tuvo.

Por el momento solo hemos investigado como hacer que el programa ponga una canción desde sus archivos y hemos descargado las librerías necesarias, sin embargo no las hemos instalado ni las hemos puesto a prueba todavía. Una vez que tengamos esto hecho todo lo demás será programación y mucha falla y error.