Testing, testing. Yeah, this works

When building a large piece of software you want to test it. Trust me. It would be pretty unwise to not do so. Not only it helps you to improve your product, but it also provides the stakeholders a view in the quality of the project. So that’s nice.

Testing involves the execution of a software in order to find bugs. Something that isn’t working like it should. It’s also used to evaluate different properties of the system. When testing you want to check this properties:

  • The requirements set in the design are met
  • It responses well to all kind of inputs
  • The time of execution of the task is acceptable
  • It’s stable enough
  • It reaches the general result that the stakeholders want

There’s a lot of type of testing, such as installation testing, compatibility testing, smoke and sanity testing, regression testing, acceptance testing, alpha testing, beta testing, etc. You usually decide what kind of testing you want to do depending on the point of development your system is in.

Testing is important. You need to ensure that your system ends in a desirable level. There’s bad software implementation in a lot of places. Don’t let yours be one of them.