When I first read “download and “play with” SciLab” I really though it was a game… But I wasn’t disappointed when I saw it was a Software just like Matlab, but with the difference that this is compatible with MacOSX.

This is really going to be useful for us trough these years we’ll spent in Tec, so thanks Ken to take the time to check and recommend us this.

It is not that hard to use it, in fact, like if a giant scientific calculator and a program developer had a son.

However, here is my attempt to make a simple counter from 0 to 10 (yes, I know it just counted from 0 to 9, but hey, first time using it!)

Captura de pantalla 2015-11-24 a las 9.32.53 p.m.
Captura de pantalla 2015-11-24 a las 9.36.24 p.m.

CC BY 4.0 #WSQ17 SciLastONE by eduardomacielm is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.