A little more of python

--Originally published at Fundamentos de Programación

cupo code1

Ok so this is my work of today.

i wanted to do something more tricky. In this code I intendendt to make a program to store the names of people signed up for a course.

First you need to create an empty list (a=[]), and a variable to count the loops of while (cupo=0)

Then the magic starts. While creates a loop until the condition is achieved (cupo<=4), I wanted the course to be of 5 people so why did I put <=4? Because there is a loop while with the value 0 so counting that one when you reach 4 there have been already 5 loops.

Every time the loop happens the program will ask for a name (input) and store it in the variable named student and add it to the list.

When there are already 5 names on  the list the program prints a ‘list’ of the names that are signed up for the course using ‘for’ to print each name on a diferent line.

And this  is what it looks like when you run it:

cupo code2

And at the end it looks like this:

cupo code3

So I hope you learn something from this #python #TC101


