Use Cases

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

Use cases is a methodology used to identify, clarify and organize system requirements. Use cases describe the step by step process a user goes to complete a goal using a software system, each use case has an specific goal and it has to consider the things that can go wrong, creating this way not only one path for the user but many paths.

Main characteristics of a use case:

  • Organizes functional requirements
  • Models the goal of the user
  • One main flow of events, and other possible ones (alternate courses of action)
  • Multi-level, this means one use case can use the functionality of another one

21 Steps to Success

Photo by Bernard Goldbach

How to write a use case

You need to have a clear actor, and describe the scope of the use case.

Describe the set of steps the actors take to accomplish the goal of the use case. In case there are alternate flows you have to describe it as well. There is another type of flow, exception flows are the things that prevent the user from achieving their goal, this steps should also be in the use case. The alternate and exception flows must be marked as not part of the main path.
Path less travelled

Photo by Kate Rusell


Brandenburg, L (2018) How to write a use case. Bridging the gap. Retrieved from:

Unified Software Process

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

The Unified Process is a iterative and incremental software development framework, from which a customized process can be defined. The most popular variation is the Rational Unified Process (RUP), there are others like the Open Unified Process (OpenUP).

There are some key characteristics in the Unified Process;

  • Iterative and incremental development framework
  • Architecture-centric
  • Risk focused
  • Highest risk factors should be adressed as early as possible
  • Use case and UML driven

Each cycle is broken into four different phases, this can have multiple iterations within the phase.

Inception Phase

In this phase you have to establish the goals of the project. The core requirements and features are defined here, as well as the main risks. This phase also includes the initial project plan and early use cases.

Photo by Mike Cohen

Elaboration Phase

The architecture foundation of the system is established. In this part is taken a more detailed analisys and planning. The architecture must consider the most important requirements and risks.

Construction Phase

This is the phase where the software is built, integrated and tested. The user manuals are created and details of the software are ready to be provided to the user.
Day 2 | "The Claw" | 20 December 2007

Photo by Dan Simpson

Transition Phase

Is where the software is deployed to end users, it has a beta testing stage to ensure the software is ready for the user, retroalimentation from the user is really important in this phase.


David Olson (2014) Unified Process, recovered from: