Author Archives: Osvaldo Mendoza

#TC1017 #FinalProject

Hello, my partner and I have finished the code of the sudoku, we had a lot of hard situations because sometimes it compiled and sometimes it did not compiled, but at the end we could, furthemore we asked for help to a classmate and after that we understood better what to do.

Also we saw some videos, and web pages to know more funtions. Personally I would like to say that I learned a lot with this project, I had to find for more commands that I did not know before, so I like it,

I will leave the code in github, you can see it in the next link:

#mastery17 #TC1017

He mejorado mi mastery 17 haciendo un video para explicar la estructura switch case



#mastery07 #TC1017

Hola que tal? he mejorado mi mastery7 haciendo un video con su explicación



#mastery10 #Tc1017

Hola, he mejorado mi mastery 10 haciendo un video explicando acerca del mismo




Hola, que tal? 

mejoré en mastery 24 agregando un video para explicar los arrays, aquí pueden observar mi código y mi video




I have already done my video about my experience in this course, you can watch it in the next link:


11  1017

In the next link is avable the code of was11 which is about palindromes, so you have to tell the user if the word he insert is the same in you invert thar word, por example:

if the user insert: espse. The program has to tell you that is a palindrome, because if you invert that word is the same one.

 It is a little confuse, to do that I based in my classmate´s codes. You can see it here:


16 1017

I have donde wsq16, which is almost the final one, you can watch the code in the next link and you can find information about reading files in the book.


17 1017


En este wsq tuvimos que descargar y conocer un programa que resulta muy útil en la carrera profesional de cualquier ingeniero, ya que es un software de matemáticas avanzado que nos permite hacer cálculos de manera rápida y además nos proporciona gráficas de los datos para poder analizarlos.

Hace unos meses hablando con un ingeniero, me comentó que dentro de lo que ahora el trabaja el software que más utiliza es uno muy similar a este, es una muestra de que es importante a aprenderlos a utilizar y claro entenderlos.


Hello, I have already done my quiz 10, which it was about vectors, the first program we needed to sum numbers, in the second one we needed to do a dot product.

I am going to leave my codes in the next links:



