
Well we had to do a quiz.

Here is the quiz

So I decided to do it by hand, because I thought it would be easier and faster, here goes first program, the problem you had to do was simply calculating the Volume of a cylinder, using the formula. I used ( Pi*(radius*radius)*height)or(3.1416*(radius*radius)*height) or you can use Pi=3.1416, which I think would the best way to do it.

1st and 2nd lines: insert a radius and a height.

Remember to use int to define radius,  height

3rd : add the formula for Volume.

4th: print the result of the formula.


Next program was a simple calculator who would multiply two numbers that the user would choose, then the division without remainder,  and finally you would get the remainder of the division.

1st & 2nd : ask the user for two numbers, num1 & num2

Remember to use int to define num1, num2

3rd, 4th & 5th : write what the result of each operation will be (num1*num2)(num1/num2) (num1%num2)



Finally we should repeat the 2nd program but this time using “float” instead of “int” and do the addition,  substraction, multiplication, and division of two numbers.

1st & 2nd : ask the user for two numbers, num1 & num2

Remember to use float instead of int to define num1, num2

3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th : write what the result of each operation will be (num1*num2)(num1+num2)(num1-num2)(num1/num2) (num1%num2)


That was basically the quiz we had to do in order to prove ourselfes of how much we were capable of doing on our own.




CC BY-SA 4.0 Quiz! by canadamike17 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.