WSQ04 – Flipped Learning

In this course we are experimenting with a new way of learning. It is called “Flipped Learning Classroom”, it is basically to learn at home and ask the question that we have about it the next day at class.

Also we are experimenting something called #AbolishGrades, this is great because we are having a class without grades and it is good because is less pressure for the students and we can be relaxed during the class more easily.

I think this method of learning is good in the way that we need to investigate to solve the problems that the teacher gave to us but also if we have some problems with them or if i don´t know to solve it i can ask to the teacher and he can tell how to solve my problem; but i also think in a traditional classroom i can learn a little more cause the teacher is also teaching during the class time and maybe i can find ways to solve my problem faster with that.

I like the thing that i don’t feel pressure because i can learn at my own pace.

Flipped Learning / Abolish Grades #WSQ04

Mientras hacía esta entrada, me di cuenta que el aprendizaje invertido es una idea que lleva varios años en la mente de muchísimos maestros alrededor del mundo y esto no puede ser mejor. Desde niño siempre me pareció que las clases (impartidas en escuela subsidiadas por el Gobierno Federal) tenían una forma peculiar de proporcionar el conocimiento a los alumnos por no decir nefasta, a continuación contaré algunas de mis experiencias personales y al final daré mi opinión como el conocimiento invertido puede hacer un cambio radical en el aprendizaje de los alumnos.


Copyright 2012. Mexicanos Primero.

Cuando era niño era una persona ávida de conocimientos, me leía todos los libros que me resultaran interesantes en la biblioteca de la escuela, no terminaba nunca de ver programas de televisión que me enseñaran algo nuevo incluso aprendí a leer 1 año antes que todos los chicos de mi generación pero nunca me gustó ir a la escuela. No es que no me gustara compartir el tiempo con otras personas o simplemente no quisiera aceptar que ya tenía responsabilidades, solo que siempre tuve la extraña sensación que el conocimiento me estaba llegando de una manera totalmente equivocada. Fue a los 15 años cuando vi un documental dirigido por Juan Carlos Rulfo y coproducido por Carlos Loret de Mola llamado De Panzazo en el cual se evidencian las carencias, los métodos y los protagonistas del Sistema Educativo Mexicano algo que para esa edad yo ya era más que consciente.


Olimpiada del Conocimiento Infantil 2012. Ceremonia de premiación.

Siempre fui un alumno de 10 y debido a mis calificaciones siempre fui el representante en muchos concursos de mi escuela, algo que siempre le llenó de orgullo a mi madre y obviamente a mis profesores, incluso para todo el plantel pero en el fondo yo sabía que


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WSQ04 “Flipped Learning”

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

This was a famous phrase that, according to the internet but not confirmed, was said by Albert Einstein.

This course with Professor Ken Bauer is a ‘Prototype course’ for #AbolishGrades. What does this means? This means that instead of the classic education system where one either ace an exam or fail it in order to judge one’s intelligence one must show what they truly learned at the course. This will be written by using as a source the lecture “An A+ student regrets his grades” from Afraj  Gill.

Lets be real. This may be more common between the ‘millennials’ since they are all around social media over the networks. Is a common meme when one experencies forgeting what one learned trough a year or semester of school. Think about it. Do you remember most of what you answered at last semester’s exam? It could be like that Men In Black movie where one forgets instantly what they just learned.

men in black.jpg

Secondly, have you ever asked what an entrepreneur’s scores where? Of course not! Because that does not matters anymore when one sees how far they have gone. Einstein dropped school for example. Scores are nothing but just numbers to label one, yet it does not define one’s true knowledge.

Now, let’s discuss the experience at Ken Bauer’s class specifically.

exp.pngAs one may recall, the writter of this blog is a begginer at coding. That means that he barely knows what he is doing and how he is going to do it. The expectations for this class were high form him. Because he was expecting a classic educational system so he was sort of afraid

the blakes

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Flipped Learning #WSQ04

Our teacher present us with 3 lectures, in which show the advantages of the flipped learning method, but I still not completely agree with it, because the way I us too learn to code, or programing in the middle school, was this way, investigating on internet how the language work, my first introduction to programing was PHP language, but I didn’t understand as good as I wanted, because I always feel the need to have a mentor on the way.

I really like the idea to abolish grade, because usually, we as students tend to learn for a moment the info just to pass the exam, not actually getting things done. I actually just learn the info and the erase the data of my brain, but not because I didn’t like it, but because I never get the thing in practice so I think that the info was useless.

The perfect classroom for me is the on e that it have the teaching, teaching you the things you should need to know, and then asking you to develop a code that makes this things, and if you get the code running, just check for optimization of the code so you don’t make the same mistakes.

In conclusion the best way to learn for me, is not having the need to learn the things just to pass an exam, indeed just teach us the tools to make it, and just leave the project for us to develop. So this is the way to get success, like is shown in the picture below.


About the WSQ#04

This was a very, very simple assigment, although I’m currently having problems with my internet provider and have an astounding 0.3-1.6 mbps connection (of my paid 25…) it’s getting pretty hard to load any damn website, but I made it and may I say, SCHOOL SUCKS. The system sucks, the government sucks, everything around sucks, PERIOD.

Those concepts of flipped learning, the letters from the concerned students, do you need more evidence? It’s pretty obvious that the way schools have been working for decades are no longer working, we live in an increasingly difficult and shitty society where you have to at least have that little stupid paper that states “You have finished school with X and Y grades, that makes you a (insert field of study here)”. That’s bullshit. Grades aren’t everything, grades don’t make you an engineer, or a doctor, a lawyer, or anything, there’s people who quit school and are earning millions and millions of dollars because they excelled at something and they took a chance to tweak life a little, and with that amount of vision and expertise on whatever they are good for, they are now at the top of the world.


You have guys like Zuckerberg, Jobs (RIP), Gates, and many more, some of them don’t even have a high school diploma, but they learned, they learned with friends, from one or two teachers that really got to know them, their strenghts and weaknesses. That is exactly what we need, a more individually focused education, otherwise, you’re just wasting time on tedious lectures that bore even the teachers sometimes, we gotta do things differently.

But there, there is the main issue, how do you change the system? Well, you can’t. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Sadly, it is


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#WSQ04, A new way to study. Flipped Learning.

Hello people!!flippedclassroom_post

Well, this gonna be a different post of programming, but is to show you the new way to study that I’m applying on my course. It’s called Flipped Classroom and here, you’re responsible of your learning, your homeworks and to ask to the teacher all the questions that you have, so I’ts cool but maybe can turn it difficult if you’re lazy or irresponsible.

Flipped Learning consist on:

F (Flexible Environment). The teachers create flexible spaces in which students choose when and where they learn.

L (Learning Culture). Here, the student is the primary source of information, he’s actively involved in knowledge construction.

I (Intentional Content). The theachers determinate what they need to teach and what materials students should explore on ther own.

P (Professional Educator) The educator have to continually observe their students, providing them with feedback relevant in the moment, and assessing their work.

And that was the definition, so now you know a little bit of flipped classroom.

With this method, I feel excited because is something new, a new way to learn and it’s cool and interesting. I hope that I can learn a lot and take this on the better form, being responsible, searching for information and asking to my teacher, Ken Bauer, if i’m doing the things right. Flipped classroom also make a social environment, where you are in contact with your classmates and you are answering common questions, so it makes the class more fun and dynamic. So let’s start and take all that you can on your flipped class!



I found this information on the next pages, so you can go and read it to know more about it:


Flipped Learning / #AbolishGrades

Can we imagine a class with out grades? Well, it’s difficult to imagine the concept.

I have many experiences with this kind of class but this time is #AbolishGrades at 100%. My experience here depends on what kind of class is or more digested in what subject is.

I think that science classes are not the best options in the flipped learning because we really need an explanation of the topics. How to do it, how to practice, how to use it in the real life, etc.

Then I think that there’s others practical subjetc in which flipped learning can be more potential than the old method.

In this case, in my Code Class I really like to use #AbolishGrades because in that way I can read and read and find more information than in an usual class. I learn in that way several things in the past and know I’m aware is a functional way to learn.

Flipped Learning

Un método muy diferente de aprendizaje en el cual cada quien lleva su propio ritmo, busca lo que quiere encontrar y se preocupa lo que uno quiere. Me parece una clase muy buena porque me esfuerzo por lo que aprendo y no solo voy a escuchar a un profesor hablar.

Yo creo que en el futuro se vera reflejado en el ámbito profesional cuando se nos deje una tarea y seamos capaces de buscar nuestras fuentes y de realizar estas actividades mejor que la mayoría.

Reflections on flipped learning

#TC1017 #WSQ04

Flipped learning was a new concept for me when I started studying here at TEC, on the other hand, having been abroad in Germany for almost a year served me as my first experience as to what these “lectures” were really about.

I have to agree, they really kinda suck most of the time, as a friend of mine put it, it’s like trying to drink water from a fire hose. It’s just too much too fast I’d have to say; they’re unengaging, and mostly it doesn’t even make much sense to go to the lecture because you might as well just pick up the book and read it yourself, at your own pace, from the comfort of your house or with a study group. That’s why I have to agree with the blogs I read, altough as they said, not all of them are incredibly horrendous.

From time to time a teacher comes along with cool ideas to catch the students’ attention, the way he presents the topic can really help or damper a lecture, but sadly this is really the exeption.

Now here at TEC more and more of my classes are breaking the mold and trying to teach us in a different way. Sure, sometimes experimenting doesn’t work the first time, but at the end of the day it’s worth it. I mean it might not work because flipped learning requieres more imput from the student I think. You have to be interested in doing it, otherwise the class won’t go anywhere, whereas in a lecture it doesn’t even matter if you attend it or not. Sometimes it might not work because after all, we need some time to adjust to the new changes and don´t really know what´s expected from us, say in an

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Flipped learning

Este blog lo voy a escribir en español. Yo creo que “Flipped Learning” es una manera moderna que exige a los estudiantes estudiar por nuestra cuenta, de alguna manera puede ser una arma de doble filo, si a un estudiante lo pones a trabajar por si solo y sin calificación, este puede que trabaje normal como lo debería de hacer o simplemente no haga nada. Este tipo de aprendizaje demanda una gran responsabilidad.
