WSQ04 – Flipped Learning / #AbolishGrades

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

Well this isn't a new concept for me because i've already been to Ken's flipped classroom which was a not so good experience at the beggining but i got used to it and now i think it's a better way to learn because it encourages students to learn, to look for information by themselves and not to just listen to a teacher say random stuff for an hour and a half and start going crazy because you didn't even got time to write down all that random stuff. Instead of stressing out because of all that information you couldn't process in a normal class, in a flipped classroom you already know what to do, what are you supposed to do and work on it during the class or during whatever time and to do so you must investigate, read, etc before every class and you don't have someone behind you yelling at you what you must do, you just do it because you want to, because you want to learn.WSQ04 – Flipped Learning / #AbolishGrades


  • Permite a los docentes dedicar más tiempo a la atención a la diversidad.
  • Es una oportunidad para que el profesorado pueda compartir información y conocimiento entre sí, con el alumnado, las familias y la comunidad.
  • Proporciona al alumnado la posibilidad de volver a acceder a los mejores contenidos generados o facilitados por sus profesores.
  • Crea un ambiente de aprendizaje colaborativo en el aula.
  • Involucra a las familias desde el inicio del proceso de aprendizaje.

Obtenido de:What is innovacion educativa

Gilberto Rogel García
